System.Manufacturer |
DMTF|Component| 1 |
Win32_ComputerSystemProduct.Vendor |
System.MachineName |
- |
Win32_ComputerSystem.Caption |
System.AssetTag |
DMTF|System Enclosure| 001.2 |
- |
System.Model |
DMTF|Component|2 |
Win32_ComputerSystemProduct.Name |
System.ModelNumber |
- |
- |
System.SystemIdentifier(GUID) |
- |
- |
System.SerialNumber |
DMTF|Component|3 |
Win32_ComputerSystemProduct.IdentifyingNumber |
System.Tag |
- |
- |
System.ManagementTechnology |
- |
- |
eDirectory.DNName |
- |
- |
eDirectory.TreeName |
- |
- |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
IP.Address |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
IP.Subnet (Subnet Mask) |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
NetworkAdapter.MACAddress |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
IPX.Address |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
NetworkAdapter.MACAddress |
- |
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
DNS.HostName |
- |
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration.DNSHostName + DNSDomain
(Nur unter Windows 2000/XP, wird über die Verknüpfung zu Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting abgerufen) |
Modem.Description |
- |
Win32_POTSModem.Description |
Modem.Name |
- |
Win32_POTSModem.Name |
Modem.Vendor |
- |
- |
Modem.DeviceID |
- |
Win32_POTSModem.DeviceID |
NetworkAdapter.DriverVersion |
DMTF|Network Adapter Driver |001.Driver Software Version |
- |
Login.CurrentLoggedinUser |
- |
- |
Login.LastLoggedin User |
- |
- |
Login.DomainName |
- |
Win32_ComputerSystem.Domain |
NWClient.Version |
- |
- |
Processor.Stepping |
- |
CIM_Processor.Stepping |
Processor.DeviceID |
- |
CIM_Processor.DeviceID |
Processor.Family |
DMTF|Processor|004.3 |
CIM_Processor.Family |
Processor.OtherFamily |
- |
CIM_Processor.OtherFamilyDescription |
Processor.MaxClockSpeed |
DMTF|Processor|004.5 |
CIM_Processor.MaxClockSpeed |
Processor.CurrentClockSpeed |
DMTF|Processor|004.6 |
CIM_Processor.CurrentClockSpeed |
Processor.Role |
DMTF|Processor|004.2 |
CIM_Processor.ProcessorType |
Processor.Upgrade |
DMTF|Processor|004.7 |
CIM_Processor.UpgradeMethod |
Processor.Description |
DMTF|Processor|004.4 |
CIM_Processor.Description |
Processor.Name |
Enum-Entsprechung von DMTF|Processor|004.3 |
CIM_Processor.Name |
BIOS.Manufacturer |
DMTF|SystemBIOS|001.2 |
Win32_BIOS.Manufacturer |
- |
Win32_BIOS.InstallDate |
- |
- |
BIOS.Copyright |
- |
Win32_BIOS.Caption |
BIOS.SerialNumber |
- |
Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber |
DMTF|SystemBIOS|001.3 |
BIOS.PrimaryBIOS |
DMTF|SystemBIOS|001.9 |
Win32_BIOS.PrimaryBIOS |
BIOS.Size |
DMTF|SystemBIOS|001.4 |
- |
Bus.Type |
- |
Win32_Bus.BusType |
Bus.Name |
- |
Win32_Bus.Name |
Bus.Description |
- |
Win32_Bus.Descritpion |
Bus.Version |
- |
- |
Bus.DeviceID |
- |
Win32_Bus.DeviceID |
IRQ.Number |
DMTF|IRQ|002.IRQNumber |
IRQ.Availability |
DMTF|IRQ|002.Availability |
CIM_IRQ.Availability |
IRQ.TriggerType |
DMTF|IRQ|002.TriggerType |
CIM_IRQ.TriggerType |
IRQ.Shareable |
DMTF|IRQ|002.Shareable |
CIM_IRQ.Shareable |
Keyboard.Layout |
DMTF|Keyboard|003.Layout |
CIM_Keyboard.Layout |
Keyboard.Subtype |
- |
- |
Keyboard.Type |
DMTF|Keyboard|003.Keyboard.Type |
CIM_Keyboard.Description |
Keyboard.Fkeys |
- |
CIM_Keyboard.NumberOfFunctionKeys |
Keyboard.Delay |
- |
- |
Keyboard.TypematicRate |
- |
- |
VideoAdapter.NumberOfColorPlanes (NEU) |
- |
Win32_VideoController.NumberOfColorPanes |
VideoAdapter.HorizontalResolution |
DMTF|Video|004.Current Horizontal Resolution |
Win32_VideoController.CurrentHorizontalResolution |
VideoAdapter.VerticalResolution |
DMTF|Video|004.Current Vertical Resolution |
Win32_VideoController.CurrentVerticalResolution |
VideoAdapter.DisplayType |
DMTF|Video|004.Video Type |
Win32_VideoController.VideoArchitecture |
VideoAdapter.MemoryType |
DMTF|Video|004.Video Memory Type |
Win32_VideoController.VideoMemoryType |
VideoAdapter.MaxMemorySupported |
DMTF|Video|004.Video RAM Memory Size |
Win32_VideoController.AdapterRAM |
VideoAdapter.Bitsperpixel |
DMTF|Video|004.Current Number of Bits per Pixel |
Win32_VideoController.CurrentBitsPerPixel |
VideoAdapter.ControllerDescription |
DMTF|Video|004.Video Controller Description |
Win32_VideoController.Description |
VideoAdapter.MaxRefreshrate |
DMTF|Video|004.Maximum Refresh Rate |
Win32_VideoController.MaxRefreshRate |
VideoAdapter.MinRefreshrate |
DMTF|Video|004.Minimum Refresh Rate |
Win32_VideoController.MinRefreshRate |
VideoAdapter.DACType |
- |
Win32_VideoController.AdapterDACType |
VideoAdapter.ChipSet |
- |
Win32_VideoController.VideoProcessor |
VideoAdapter.ProviderName |
- |
Win32_VideoController.VideoAdapterCompatibility |
VideoBIOS.VideoBIOSManufacturer |
DMTF|Video BIOS|001.BIOS Manufacturer |
CIM_VideoBIOSElement.Manufacturer |
VideoBIOS.VideoBIOSVersion |
DMTF|Video BIOS|001.Video.BIOS Version |
CIM_VideoBIOSElement.Version |
VideoBIOS.VideoBIOSReleaseDate |
DMTF|Video BIOS|001.Video.BIOS Release Date |
CIM_VideoBIOSElement.InstallDate |
VideoBIOS.VideoBIOS.IsShadowed |
DMTF|Video BIOS|001.Video.Shadowing State |
CIM_VideoBIOSElement.IsShadowed |
ParallelPort.Name |
DMTF|Parallel Ports|003.Parallel Port Index |
CIM_ParallelController.Name |
ParallelPort.DMASupport |
DMTF|Parallel Ports|003.DMA Support |
CIM_ParallelController.DMASupport |
ParallelPort.Address |
DMTF|Parallel Ports|003.Parallel Base I/O Address |
- |
ParallelPort.IRQ |
DMTF|Parallel Ports|003.IRQ Used |
- |
SerialPort.Name |
DMTF|Serial Ports|004.Serial Port Index |
CIM_SerialController.Name |
SerialPort.Address |
DMTF|Serial Ports|004.Serial Base I/O Address |
- |
SerialPort.IRQ |
DMTF|Serial Ports|004.IRQ Used |
- |
FloppyDrive.DeviceID |
DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Name
(wenn DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Type=Floppy Drive(7)) |
(wobei Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 2 (Removable Disk) und Win32_LogicalDisk.MediaType = [1,10]) |
FloppyDrive.Manufacture |
- |
- |
FloppyDrive.Description |
Hartkodiert: Diskettenlaufwerk
(wenn DMTF|Disks|003.Storage Type=Floppy Disk(4)) |
(wobei Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 2 (Removable Disk) und Win32_LogicalDisk.MediaType = [1,10]) |
FloppyDrive.MaxNumberofCylinders |
- |
- |
FloppyDrive.NumberOfHeads |
- |
- |
FloppyDrive.SectorsPerTrack |
- |
- |
FloppyDrive.Size |
DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Size
(wenn DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Type = Floppy Drive(7)) |
(wobei Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 2 (Removable Disk) und Win32_LogicalDisk.MediaType = [1,10]) |
CDROMDrive.DeviceID |
DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Name
(wenn DMTF|Logical Drives|001.Logical Drive Type = 6) |
Win32_CDROMDrive.Drive |
CDROMDrive.Manufacturer |
- |
Win32_CDROMDrive.Manufacturer |
CDROMDrive.Description |
- |
Win32_CDROMDrive.Description |
CDROMDrive.Caption |
Hartkodiert: CD-ROM-Gerät
(wenn DMTF|Disks|001.Logical Drive Type = 6) |
Win32_CDROMDrive.Caption |
HardDrive.Media Type |
DMTF|Disks|003.Removable Media |
Win32_DiskDrive.MediaType |
HardDrive.Vendor |
- |
Win32_DiskDrive.Manufacturer |
HardDisk.Description |
DMTF|Disks|003.Interface Description
(wenn DMTF|Disks|003.Storage Type=Hard Disk(3)) |
Win32_DiskDrive.Description |
HardDisk.Cylinders |
DMTF|Disks|003.Number of Physical Cylinders |
Win32_DiskDrive.TotalCylinders |
HardDisk.Heads |
DMTF|Disks|003.Number of Physical Heads |
Win32_DiskDrive.TotalHeads |
HardDisk.Sectors |
DMTF|Disks|003.Number of Physical Sectors per Track |
Win32_DiskDrive.SectorsPerTrack |
HardDisk.Capacity |
DMTF|Disks|003.Total Physical Size |
Win32_DiskDrive.Size |
LogicalDrive.Name |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
LogicalDrive.VolumeSerialNumber |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
LogicalDrive.Volume (Volume Label) |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
Operating System.OSType |
- |
Win32_OperatingSystem.OSType |
OperatingSystem.Version |
- |
- |
OperatingSystem.Codepage |
- |
Win32_OperatingSystem.CodeSet |
OperatingSystem.InstallDate |
- |
Win32_OperatingSystem.InstallDate |
OperatingSystem.TotalSwapSpaceSize |
DMTF|System Memory Settings|001.Total Size of Paging Files |
Win32_OperatingSystem.SizeStoredInPagingFiles |
OperatingSystem.Description |
DMTF|Operating System|001.Operating System Description |
Win32_OperatingSystem.Caption |
OperatingSystem.OtherTypeDescription |
- |
Win32_OperatingSystem.OtherTypeDescription |
OperatingSystem.VirtualMemorySize |
DMTF|System Memory Settings|001.Total Virtual Memory |
Win32_OperatingSystem.TotalVirtualMemory |
OperatingSystem.VisibleMemorySize |
- |
Win32_OperatingSystem.TotalVisibleMemorySize |
OperatingSystem.Role |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.Version |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.LastScanDate |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.InventoryServer |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.ScanMode |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.GeneralDictionaryVersion |
- |
- |
InventoryScanner.PrivateDictionaryVersion |
- |
- |
SoundCard.Description |
- |
Win32_SoundDevice.Description |
SoundCard.Name |
- |
Win32_SoundDevice.Name |
SoundCard.Manufacturer |
- |
Win32_SoundDevice.Manufacturer |
Cache.Level |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Level |
Win32_CacheMemory.Level |
Cache.WritePolicy |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Write Policy |
Win32_CacheMemory.WritePolicy |
Cache.ErrorCorrection |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Error Correction |
Win32_CacheMemory.ErrorCorrectType |
Cache.Type |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Type |
Win32_CacheMemory.CacheType |
Cache.LineSize |
DMTF|System Cache|003.Line Size |
Win32_CacheMemory.LineSize |
Cache.ReplacementPolicy |
DMTF|System Cache|003.Replacement Policy |
Win32_CacheMemory.ReplacementPolicy |
Cache.ReadPolicy |
DMTF|System Cache|003.Read Policy |
Win32_CacheMemory.ReadPolicy |
Cache.Associativity |
DMTF|System Cache|003.Associativity |
Win32_CacheMemory.Associativity |
Cache.Speed |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Speed |
Win32_CacheMemory.CacheSpeed |
Cache.Size |
DMTF|System Cache|003.System Cache Size |
Win32_CacheMemory.MaxCacheSize |
MotherBoard.Version |
- |
Win32_BaseBoard.Version |
MotherBoard.Description |
- |
Win32_BaseBoard.Description |
MotherBoard.Slots |
DMTF|Motherboard|001.Number of Expansion slots |
- |
MotherBoard.Manufacture |
- |
Win32_BaseBoard.Manufacture |
Battery.Name |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Device Name |
Win32_Battery.Name |
Battery.Chemistry |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Device Chemistry |
Win32_Battery.Chemistry |
Battery.Capacity |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Design Capacity |
Win32_Battery.DesignCapacity |
Battery.Voltage |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Design Voltage |
Win32_Battery.DesignVoltage |
Battery.Version |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Smart Battery Version |
Win32_Battery.SmartBatteryVersion |
Battery.Manufacturer |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Manufacturer |
Win32_PortableBattery.Manufacturer |
Battery.ManufactureDate |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Manufacturer Date |
Win32_Battery.InstallDate |
Battery.SerialNumber |
DMTF|Portable Battery|002.Portable Battery Serial Number |
- |
PowerSupply.InputVoltageDescription |
DMTF|Power Supply|002.Power Supply Input Voltage Capability Description |
CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupply.Description |
PowerSupply.Power |
DMTF|Power Supply|002.Total Output Power |
CIM_UninterruptiblePowerSupply.TotalOutputPower |
DMA.Number |
DMTF|DMA|001.DMA Number |
CIM_DMA.DMAChannel |
DMA.Description |
DMTF|DMA|001.DMA Description |
CIM_DMA.Description |
DMA.Availability |
DMTF|DMA|001.DMA Channel Availability |
CIM_DMA.Availability |
DMA_BurstMode |
DMTF|DMA|001.DMA BurstMode |
CIM_DMA.BurstMode |
UCS.DNName |
- |
- |
UCS.PrimaryOwnerContact |
DMTF|General Information|001.3 |
CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem.PrimaryOwnerContact |
UCS.PrimaryOwnerName |
DMTF|General Information|001.4 |
CIM_UnitaryComputerSystem.PrimaryOwnerName |
PointingDevice.DeviceType |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device Type(1) |
CIM_PointingDevice.PointingType |
PointingDevice.Type |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device Interface (2) |
CIM_PointingDevice.Name |
PointingDevice.NumberOfButtons |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device Buttons (4) |
CIM_PointingDevice.NumberOfButtons |
PointingDevice.DriverName |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device Driver Name (6) |
- |
PointingDevice.DriverVersion |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device Driver Version (7) |
CIM_PointingDevice.Name |
PointingDevice.IRQ |
DMTF|Pointing Device|Pointing Device IRQ (3) |
- |
Slot.Description |
DMTF|System Slots|003.Description |
Win32_SystemSlot. SlotDesignation |
Slot.MaxDataWidth |
DMTF|System Slots|003.MaxDataWidth |
Win32_SystemSlot. MaxDataWidth |
Slot.ThermalRating |
DMTF|System Slots|003.Slot Thermal Rating |
Win32_SystemSlot. ThermalRating |
FileSystem.Drive |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
FileSystem.FileSystemSize |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
FileSystem.AvailableSpace |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
FileSystem.FileSystem |
- |
(wenn Win32_LogicalDisk.DriveType = 3 (Local Disk)) |
Monitor.Device ID |
- |
- |
Monitor.Description |
- |
- |
Monitor.Manufacturer Date |
- |
- |
Monitor.Model ID |
- |
- |
Monitor.ViewableSize (Zoll) |
- |
- |
Monitor.NominlaSize (Zoll) |
- |
- |
Monitor.Serial Number |
- |
- |
Monitor.Manufacturer |
- |
- |
Monitor.Model |
- |
- |
Chassis.Type (enum) |
DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|1 |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. ChassisTypes |
Chassis.Manufacturer |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. Manufacturer |
Chassis.SerialNumber |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. SerialNumber |
Chassis.AssetTag |
DMTF|Physical Container Global Table|2 |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. SMBIOSAssetTag |
Chassis.Version |
- |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. Version |
Chassis.NumberOfPowerCords |
- |
Win32_SystemEnclosure. NumberOfPowerCords |
Chassis.Tag |
- |
Win32_SystemEnclosure.Tag |