A.2 Setting Up Linux Scan Commands in /opt/novell/ncs/bin/device_scan.sh

Novell Cluster Services provides a framework for customized device scanning to BCC for Linux through an API that reads and executes commands in the /opt/novell/ncs/bin/device_scan.sh script. BCC automatically initiates a cluster scan for new devices for BCC-enabled cluster resources that have BCC load/unload scripts when cluster resources are migrated between peer clusters. When BCC calls the API, the script is executed on each node that is currently active in a cluster.

By default, the script is empty. You must add the Linux shell commands that you need to refresh the nodes in the cluster. Any changes that are made to the script are not overwritten when Novell Cluster Services is upgraded.

WARNING:In EMC PowerPath environments, do not use the rescan-scsi-bus.sh utility provided with the operating system or the HBA vendor scripts for scanning the SCSI buses. To avoid potential file system corruption, EMC requires that you follow the procedure provided in the vendor documentation for EMC PowerPath for Linux.

  1. In a text editor, open the script file /opt/novell/ncs/bin/device_scan.sh, add the Linux shell commands that scan your shared devices, then save the file.

    The following is a sample script:

    ## Logs to /var/log/messages with tag "bccd-scan"
    /bin/logger -t bccd-scan "BCC is running script - device_scan.sh -- Scanning
    for new devices"
    ## Rescan devices
    rescan-scsi-bus.sh -wcl
    ## Rescan storage objects (OES 11 and later), such as for expanded NSS pools
    nlvm rescan
    ## Add multipath command to rebuild maps if it applies.
    # multipath