Rights are system flags that you can set on individual network resources to control access to those resources. When you assign rights, you always link them with a specific user, group, or other Novell® eDirectory™ object that is the trustee (possessor) of the rights. In ConsoleOne®, you can grant a trustee rights to two different kinds of resources:
eDirectory objects
Rights to these resources are stored in and applied by eDirectory. For details, see “ eDirectory Rights” in the Novell eDirectory Administration Guide.
Files and folders on NetWare® volumes
Rights to these resources are stored in and applied by the NetWare file system. For details, see Section 4.5, About NetWare Rights.
When a user tries to access a resource, the system (eDirectory or NetWare) calculates the user's effective rights to that resource. In doing so, the system checks not only the user's explicit rights assignments but also any security equivalences held by the user and any filters that block the inheritance of explicit rights assignments. This chapter explains how to perform the tasks that control users' effective rights to resources.
In This Chapter