The following are known quirks and limitations of this release of ConsoleOne. Most of these should no longer exist in future releases.
Quirk or Limitation |
Workaround |
eDirectory searches return only the first 1,200 objects. |
If your search returns 1,200 objects and you suspect there are more, refine the search criteria to return fewer objects. |
Jumping to an object in the right pane by typing its name doesn't work if there are more than 1,000 objects in the list. |
Use Edit > Find to find the object, or use View > Filter to hide other object types and then type the object name. |
Selecting large sets of eDirectory objects from a list of more than 1,000 objects doesn't work. (ConsoleOne retrieves the list of objects from eDirectory one chunk at a time and won't let you select across these invisible chunks.) |
Select a smaller set of objects and repeat the operation as many times as needed to complete your task. |
Applying a change to a multi-value property in eDirectory doesn't work if the total data size exceeds 48 KB. For example, deleting 1,000 usernames from a membership list would require about 48 KB if the average name were 24 characters. (Each character is two bytes.) |
Apply the change in smaller chunks. |
The count of eDirectory objects in the right pane (shown in the bottom right corner) is an estimate if there are more than 1,000 objects. |
If your task involves more than 1,000 objects and an exact count is required, use NetWare Administrator. |
Not all the values of a multi-value eDirectory property are shown if there are too many to fit in the RAM available to ConsoleOne. |
Increase the available RAM (try closing all other programs) and redisplay the list. Currently, Novell eDirectory™ returns all the property values to ConsoleOne at once. A future eDirectory release will return them one chunk at a time. |
Property names in lists are always shown in English. (ConsoleOne reads them directly from the eDirectory schema, which is in English only.) |
If this prevents you from completing your task, go to the Novell Web site and submit an enhancement request. In the meantime, use NetWare Administrator to complete your task. |
Restricting a user's volume space or a folder's size doesn't work on an NSS volume. |
The ability to restrict space on an NSS volume will be added in a future release. NetWare Administrator doesn't have this capability either. |
Generating and printing reports doesn't work if ConsoleOne is running on a non-Windows* computer. |
Run ConsoleOne on a Windows computer with at least 128 MB RAM. |
Most customizations to ConsoleOne views aren't saved across sessions. One exception is that customizations to object property pages (such as reordering and hiding pages) are saved. |
For details, see Section 2.5, Customizing Views. |
When running ConsoleOne on Linux, you can't enter more than a couple of values at a time in multi-value fields. |
This is a problem with Java on Linux and will be fixed in a future release. For now, you must enter a couple values, close the properties, reopen the properties and enter a couple more values, and so on. |
When running ConsoleOne on Solaris, if you click a link or menu option to go to a URL in a Web browser, the action fails if Netscape isn't installed and added to the system's PATH environment variable. |
Install Netscape and add the directory where the Netscape executable file is located to your system's PATH environment variable. |
When running ConsoleOne on NetWare with lots of ConsoleOne snap-ins installed, you might receive the following error: An attempt was made to open or create a file that is already open. An error occurred reading the data from NDS. Some data may be incorrect or incomplete. The server console then displays the following error: Station # file lock threshold exceeded. Total violations #. |
When trying to run ConsoleOne on a NetWare server where lots of snap-ins are installed, ConsoleOne will eventually run out of file lock resources on the server. The solution is to increase the file lock resource on the NetWare server. |