In the rare event that you need to work with Support to resolve a communication issue between the GroupWise Connector and the POA, you can enable the SOAP/SUDS debug log to collect detailed data about the SOAP communication between the GroupWise Connector and the POA.
IMPORTANT:Do not enable the SOAP/SUDS debug log unless requested by Support.
In Synchronizer Web Admin click the GroupWise Connector to display the GroupWise Connector Configuration page.
.Scroll down to the following line:
Change 0 to 1 to enable the SOAP/SUDS debug log.
Scroll further down to the following line:
Replace this line with the following line, providing the file name to use for the SOAP/SUDS debug log:
The SOAP/SUDS debug log is created in the following directory:
on the menu bar to return to the main Synchronizer Web Admin page.In the ( ) to stop the GroupWise Connector, then click
( ) to start the GroupWise Connector and apply the change.
Collect the data requested by Support to resolve the communication problem between the GroupWise Connector and the POA.
Disable the SOAP/SUDS debug log as soon as you have the data you need.