Fixed in
Update 2

bug_id short_desc
653317 Retract/resend issue.
687314 Entries are being left in the retention table that contain a cacheID that no longer exists in the cache table
692991 The UID on note items was getting wiped out when a modify on the item was coming through the system.
Adding/modifying an item w/ an attachment creates two items in GroupWise.
653321 Generated calendar items are not synced until the associated email is synced.
593591 Added code to support proper display of reply/forward icons by the GW Client.
680247 Don't delete the GW event if the connector is not running.
680247 Prevent Email loss while postgresql database down or crashed
689097 Send mail size limit
689097 Add the request size check for sendmail
671185 user with visibility none are still found in the system addressbook on the mobile device.
671510 Post Office doing constant Address Book modifications.
688811 Any contact with a category will fail to sync.
683076 Allow multiple '.' characters after the @ in email addresses.
687632 Problem getting addressbooks on startup of the GWC for some users
687589 Reworked the configuration of a user in the GWC.
687329 Fix the folder cache in the GWC if it is bad.
687067 Clean up and update the retention table.
687051 GW has problems moving items because it can't find the correct folder in the folder cache.
686761 Retry the getFolderList 3 times if a failure during the startup of the GWC or while adding a new user.
683076 Updated the regular expression used to parse the recipients so that it properly handled email addresses with a "." character in the user name.
681714 Delete/Purge recurrent entries just delete one entry from GW
674828 If item to move is not found in the source folder, check if it already exists in the target folder and if it does, return success.
682345 The Apple devices were sending a modify for the temporary appointment associated with a meeting request after the appointment had been declined.
683068 Dutch language formating issue.
684258 Continually failing on the same events.
677589 If there was no message body in the original meeting request, it would not work correctly.
676127 Flush bad passwords from the session cache at the appropriate times
681752 Alarms are not working when accepted on the device.
677847 All day appointments from device displays differently on the GW client
677589 Fixed a bug in "decline with comment" code
649953 Droid X devices request email in MIME format, meeting requests are now changed to multi-part MIME so that the device displays them properly.
681512 Appointments deleted incorrectly on a phone based on a creation time.
680274 Change the logging and event delivery
679577 Logging the wrong log level
673833 Prevent appt from getting deleted if the calendar is under a blocked folder type (IMAP, etc).
664971 Some devices neglect to put the character encoding in the subject line for SendMail requests. The character set specified for the body data will now be inserted in the subject when it is missing.

Changed text to restart postgres

Update the Threading for mobility and datasync

Drop the non add event for expired event

Remove syncevents events in a error state older than 30 days

Changed the login uri to /login

Logout url changed location

The large file upload fix

Default max attachment size to 500kB if there is a problem with reading the value from the connector configuration.

Fixed repeated sync attempts for an email containing an attachment that failed to download.