This noun expands to a pattern-based name that is unique in the destination data store according to the criteria specified.
The following is an example of the Editor pane when constructing the unique name argument:
The following pattern was constructed to provide unique names:
If this pattern does not generate a unique name, a digit is appended starting with counter start, incrementing up to the specified number of digits. In this example,9 additional unique names would be generated by the appended digit before an error occurs (pattern1 - pattern9).
Name of attribute to check for uniqueness.
Scope in which to check uniqueness. The default scope is subtree.
Select a starting point for the search. The starting point can be the root of the data store, or specified by a DN or association.
Provide a pattern to use to generate unique values using the Argument Builder.
Number to start counter, default is 1.
Width in digits of counter, default is 1. The Pad counter with leading 0's checkbox prepends 0 to match the digit length. For example, with a digit width of 3, the initial unique value would be appended with 001, then 002, and so on.
For each provided pattern, a query is performed for that value in the name attribute against the destination data store, using a DN, an association, or the root of the data store as the base of the query, and the selected scope.
Each provided pattern is tried in order until a value is found that does not return any instances.
If all of the provided values are exhausted, then the final value will have a counter appended to it and the value will be tried repeatedly (increasing the counter each time) until the query does not return any instances. By default, the counter starts at 1 and is not padded. The counter can be set to start at a different number using the counter start field. The counter will use the number of digits specified by the digits field (default 1). If the number of digits is less than those specified, then the counter will be right padded with zeros. If/when the number of digits exceeds those specified, then no unique name will be generated and the enclosing rule will return an error status.
If the destination data store is eDirectory and name is omitted, then a search is performed against the pseudo-attribute "[Entry].rdn", which represents the RDN of an object without respect to what the naming attribute might be. If the destination data store is the application, then name is required.