The Active Directory group class defines two types of groups and three scopes for membership in the group. Type and scope are controlled by the groupType attribute which can be set via Identity Manager policy when a group is created in Active Directory and changed by modifying the attribute.
A group holds a collection of object references. The Distribution Group type gives no special rights or privileges to its members and is commonly used as a distribution list for Exchange. The Security Group type is a security principal. Its members receive the rights and privileges of the group. Security Groups have a pre-Windows 2000 logon name (samAccountName) and a Security Identifier (SID) that can be used in Security Descriptor (SD) Access Control Lists (ACL) on other objects to grant or deny rights and privileges to its members.
Group scope controls whether an object from a foreign domain can be a member of the group and also whether the group itself can be a member of another group. The three scopes are Domain Local, Global and Universal. How these scopes behave, or whether the scope is valid at all, depend on whether Active Directory is operating in Windows 2000 Mixed, Windows 2000 Native or Windows 2003 mode.
In general, Domain Local groups can hold references to objects anywhere in the forest but can be assigned permissions only within the domain. Global groups are the opposite. They can only hold references to objects within the domain but can be assigned permissions throughout the forest. Universal groups can hold references and can be assigned permissions throughout the forest. But Universal groups come with their own restrictions and performance issues. Groups should be created and used in conformance with Microsoft recommendations.
The groupType attribute is a 32-bit integer whose bits define type and scope. Groups can have only a single scope at any given time.