After performing a work order, the driver can update a user's information with the results. For example, the driver can add a new extension to the user's list of phone numbers, or remove an extension that has been deleted, as described in Workforce Tree Configuration.
This functionality will work for new and existing users, if the following conditions are met:
The ObjectID in the work order is what allows the driver to update the user object when the work order is complete.
This means that your ability to manage existing users (perform work orders for their extensions and update their phone information after a work order is performed) is dependent on the accuracy with which the ObjectID is specified in the work order. This is a contrast to some other Identity Manager drivers, which require the user object to have a DirXML association with the driver before you can manage existing users.
Unlike some Identity Manager drivers, it is not necessary to use the Migrate into NDS command before being able to manage existing users. In fact, for this driver, the Migrate into NDS command does not affect user objects (unless you create custom style sheets or tools to do so).
The Migrate into NDS command allows you to import data from an application into eDirectory. For the Identity Manager Driver for Avaya PBX, the Migrate into NDS command causes all extensions that are configured in the PBX to be created as pbxExtension objects in eDirectory.
This action does not create associations between existing User objects in eDirectory and existing extensions. However, this list of existing extensions could be used for the following purposes as part of a manual effort or with custom tools you create:
When the driver configures an extension, it automatically enters this information in the PBX, using the ObjectID you specify in the work order. However, for existing extensions, the data might not have been filled in correctly.
This would be useful if the PBX admin will continue to make changes manually to extensions, as well as using the driver to perform work orders.However, keep in mind that any manual change must include adding the ObjectID in the PBX, or else the driver won't know which user object to update.
Although the driver can add, change, or remove phone extensions listed for an existing user object after it performs a work order, it does not verify that the extensions already listed for the user are correct. So, if an incorrect extension were entered manually, that data entry error would remain even after you start using the driver.
If you want to make sure that existing phone information listed for users is correct, you could compare the pbxExtension objects with the user objects by looking at the Display Name in the pbxExtension object. If display names were created with some consistency, you might be able to use a tool to match up many of the extension objects with user objects. However, some manual work would probably still be required to match up all of the extensions, because of duplicate employee names (such as two people who are both named John Smith) or inconsistent format of display names that were entered manually.
You could use the nwoExtension object to find out whether you have extensions that need to be disconnected but the physical task was never completed.
You could check to make sure display names are filled in and are following any applicable corporate standards.
This might be an option for you if you were fairly confident in the information that was in the PBX, and you were creating a new eDirectory tree and wanted to populate it with users based on the users represented in the PBX.