Which Attributes Are Synchronized
The filter for the sample driver configuration synchronizes the following attributes:
accessCardNumber |
Initials |
preferredDeliveryMethod |
instantMessagingID |
preferredName |
assistant |
internationaliSDNNumber |
Private Key |
assistantPhone |
Internet EMail Address |
Public Key |
businessCategory |
jackNumber |
registeredAddress |
city |
jobCode |
roomNumber |
CN |
L |
S |
co |
Language |
SA |
company |
Mailbox ID |
Security Equals |
costCenter |
Mailbox Location |
Security Flags |
costCenterDescription |
mailstop |
See Also |
departmentNumber |
manager |
siteLocation |
Description |
managerWorkforceID |
Surname |
destinationIndicator |
mobile |
Telephone Number |
directReports |
NSCP:employeeNumber |
teletexTerminalIdentifier |
EMail Address |
otherPhoneNumber |
telexNumber |
employeeStatus |
O |
Timezone |
employeeType |
OU |
Title |
Equivalent To Me |
pager |
tollFreePhoneNumber |
Facsimile Telephone Number |
personalTitle |
Full Name |
photo |
uniqueID |
Generational Qualifier |
Physical Delivery Office Name |
vehicleInformation |
Given Name |
Postal Address |
workforceID |
Group Membership |
Postal Code |
x121Address |
Higher Privileges |
Postal Office Box |
x500UniqueIdentifier |