The DirXML Driver for Exchange is a bidirectional synchronization connector between Microsoft Exchange and eDirectory. This connector uses XML to convert Exchange objects to eDirectory objects and vice versa.
eDirectory acts as a hub, with other applications and directories publishing their changes to it. eDirectory then sends changes to the applications and directories that have subscribed for them. This results in two main flows of data:
The Publisher channel reads information from your Exchange Server and submits that information to eDirectory via the DirXML engine.
By using the poll parameters, the Publisher channel polls the Exchange server for changes to objects. If the DirXML Driver for Exchange detects changes in Exchange, the data between Exchange and eDirectory is synchronized. If the change was caused by data sent to Exchange from the Subscriber, no synchronization is necessary.
The Subscriber channel watches for additions and modifications to eDirectory objects and creates changes on your Exchange server via the DirXML engine.
The Subscriber channel synchronizes changes made in eDirectory with data on the Exchange server. If an associated object is changed in eDirectory, the Subscriber channel updates the Exchange with the new information.