The following is a list of error messages the driver might return:
This is an informational message printed at the beginning of the driver initialization indicating that the driver's last state was read from the disk.
The previous driver state was not initialized correctly. This means that the registry or the driver configuration file was manipulated by another process. This might happen if you accidentally deleted one of the driver configuration files. This results in a loss of event data.
This usually suggests that the Exchange Server is down or could not be reached. The NT Application Event Log should contain a more detailed description of the error.
This error message is returned when a warning was returned by Exchange. The returned warning is logged in the NT Application Event Log.
An attempt to write to the Event log did not succeed.
An unsupported attribute was added to the Subscriber filter. Verify the Subscriber filter with the list of supported attributes in the file ATTRIBUTES.TXT (located in the NT\DIRXML\DRIVERS\EXCHANGE\RULES directory).
The authentication credentials supplied were incorrect. The credentials specified should be for an NT account/domain that has rights to the Exchange directory.
One or more of the initialization parameters was missing. Try restarting. If the problem persists, try retyping the initialization parameters.