To synchronize all the e-mail values of the multivalue Proxy-Address and Target-Address attributes, add the <proxyFlg/> tag to the driver parameters.
In iManager, click eDirectory Administration > Modify Object.
Locate and select the DirXML Driver for Exchange object (for example, EXCHANGE 5_5), then click OK.
Locate the Driver Parameters section at the bottom of the Driver Configuration page, then click Edit XML.
Click Enable XML Editing so that you can edit the script.
Add the <proxyFlg/> tag.
This tag can go anywhere between the <driver-options> tags. The updated parameters could look similar to the following example:
<x-ldap-server display-name="IP address of Exchange Server(for LDAP queries):"></x-ldap-server>
<x-remote display-name="Remote Exchange Driver?(1=true; 0=false):">0</x-remote>
<x-server display-name="Exchange Server Name:">DHEAD</x-server>
<x-site display-name="Exchange Site:">/o=Novell/ou=DOMAINLIMA</x-site>
Deselect Enable XML Editing, then return to the Driver Parameters section.
Click OK.