Because most Notes environments use more than one certifier, NotesDriverShim can be configured to use different certifiers through policy. The sample Cert.xsl style sheet, located in the dirxml\drivers\lotusNotes\rules directory, is an Output Transformation style sheet that contains logic to determine which Notes Certifier to use based on the src-dn attribute on the <add> tag. Another example provided is the NotesCertifierSelectionSampleSS.xsl sample style sheet.
You can edit the choose/when statements to model your Notes system certifier structure. If using only the root certifier is acceptable, then using Cert.xsl is not necessary, because the driver parameters screen can contain the information for the root certifier.
To use Cert.xsl in your environment, first, change the existing xsl:when statements to match your configuration.
<xsl:when test="string($dn) = '\dirxml-ds\provo\notes\eng'">
<xsl:attribute name="cert-id">c:\lotus\domino\data\</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="cert-pwd">certify2eng</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="user-pwd">new2notes</xsl:attribute
Add as many xsl:when statements as you need to model your organization's certification structure.
Then change the cert-id and cert-pwd in xsl:otherwise to match your root certifier information.
<xsl:attribute name="cert-id">d:\lotus\domino\data\</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name="cert-pwd">certify2notes</xsl:attribute>
Cert.xsl communicates the certifier information by adding attributes to the add tag in the XML document. If NotesDriverShim doesn't find these attributes, it uses the root certifier information from the driver Parameters passed during initialization.
NOTE: Cert.xsl also shows how to override several other parameters for the driver. See Overriding Driver Parameters for more information about these parameters.