The driver contains the following components:
Default Driver Configuration File: A driver configuration file is a file you can import to set up default rules, style sheets, and driver parameters. The driver configuration file included with the driver is Notes.xml, with its accompanying .xlf file.
Driver Files: CommonDriverShim.jar and NotesDriverShim.jar are the Java files that direct synchronization between Notes and eDirectory.
ndsrep: ndsrep is a Lotus Domino server add-in process to enable data synchronization. ndsrep keeps track of the time of the last successful synchronization within a Notes database, and checks the Lotus Domino Server for changes based on that time stamp. It then reads the changes from the Notes database, determines the event types they represent, and filters the updates based on objects and attributes specified in the Publisher filter in the driver configuration in eDirectory.
dsrepcfg.ntf: A Notes database template required for the initial startup of the Notes driver shim. The Notes driver shim uses this Notes database template to create a configuration database named dsrepcfg.nsf used by ndsrep to determine the Publisher filter and other driver publication settings.