If the movecfg utility is not successful in updating your outdated Lotus Notes Driver configuration, try following the manual process outlined here.
Shut down the Domino Server where ndsrep is launched.
Shut down the DirXML Driver for Lotus Notes that is to be upgraded.
Copy the following text from this document, and paste it into the <publisher-options> section of the Lotus Notes Driver configuration.
<polling-interval display-name="Polling Interval (in seconds)">30</polling-interval>
<loop-detect-flag display-name="Enable Loop Back Detection">Yes</loop-detect-flag>
<schedule-units display-name="NDSREP Schedule Units">SECONDS</schedule-units>
<schedule-value display-name="NDSREP Schedule Value">30</schedule-value>
<dn-format display-name="DNFormat">SLASH</dn-format>
<check-attrs-flag display-name="Check Attributes?">Yes</check-attrs-flag>
<write-timestamps-flag display-name="Write Time Stamps?">No</write-timestamps-flag>
Use the regedit utility on Windows to view each ndsrep configuration value. The regedit key values are under \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NOVELL\VRD\DOMINO.
Update the new Lotus Notes Driver publisher-options configuration values to match the corresponding values stored within the Windows registry.
Start the Lotus Notes Driver and the Domino Server.