This section explains the new features available in this version of the driver.
The driver contains some significant changes designed to make it easier to deploy in customer environments. The primary changes include:
The driver delivers XSLT templates to facilitate upgrades in 4.0.x driver deployments.
The new architecture and driver configuration enable you to quickly implement the driver into your testing environment. After you have configured and tested the driver in you lab environment, you can then customize the implementation to meet your business needs, work with your application data, and then move it into production.
As is the case with any implementation, when the level of complexity in your business processes increases, so does the amount of time and effort required to implement your solution. For highly complex implementations, you might need to obtain external consulting assistance.
Identity Manager includes new features. For more information, refer to the "What's New in Identity Manager 2?" in the Nsure Identity Manager 2 Administration Guide.