The driver includes the following components:
The driver shim (psoftshim.jar) enables communication between PeopleSoft and eDirectory. It bidirectionally reports object change events and applies object modification commands between these systems.
PeopleSoft50.xml is a driver configuration that is imported using Novell iManager. It contains configuration parameters and policies that enable Identity Manager to handle the synchronization and data object manipulation between PeopleSoft and eDirectory.
This file is not intended for use in a production environment. It acts as a template that contains most of the common synchronization tasks performed in typical integration scenarios. You should configure your policies based on your own business processes and integration points. For more information, refer to Installing and Configuring the Driver and Customizing the Driver by Modifying Driver Policies.
The PeopleSoft Service Agent (PSA) is a collection of PeopleSoft application objects developed for use with the driver shim and default driver configuration. Because all of the objects (fields, records, pages, components, component interfaces) are specifically named with a DirXML identifier, the PSA can be deployed onto a PeopleSoft application server without affecting existing PeopleSoft applications and objects.
The various pieces of the PSA provide examples of how data can be integrated between eDirectory and PeopleSoft. Examples of PSA uses include the following:
As with the Driver Configuration, the PSA is not intended for use in a production environment. It acts as a template that contains most of the common synchronization tasks needed in typical integration scenarios. You should configure your policies based on your own business processes and integration points. For more information, refer to Using the PeopleSoft Service Agent.
The following section describes the basic functions of the driver. It uses the Remote Loader configuration as an example; however, it does not require the use of the Remote Loader. For more information, refer to Installing and Configuring the Driver.
The Publisher channel synchronizes data from PeopleSoft to eDirectory. As events occur within PeopleSoft, transactions are placed into a transaction table. These transactions are usually written to the table through PeopleCode (you can use other methods such as Batch SQL, COBOL, SQR, and so forth.) Component Interface (CI) objects enable the driver to access transactions within the PeopleSoft system, and to query for relevant data associated with an individual transaction type. These CI objects are included as part of the PeopleSoft Service Agent (PSA).
The driver accesses the PeopleSoft environment by connecting through the Component Interface at the Application Server level. The driver periodically requests transactions that are waiting to be processed by driver subtype (such as the subtype of Employee, Student, or Customer.) It processes only those transactions that have an available status and a transaction date and time less than or equal to the current date and time.
The driver then constructs an XML document from the data it retrieves and passes it to the DirXML engine for processing. When the DirXML engine finishes processing the transaction, the driver updates the transaction with the status and any applicable messages in the transaction table inside of PeopleSoft. When events occur within eDirectory, the driver connects to the appropriate CI and updates the PeopleSoft staging table accordingly. You can also configure the Driver to poll the Application server for event changes.
The Subscriber channel synchronizes data from other applications via eDirectory to PeopleSoft.
As events occur within eDirectory, the driver receives an XML document from the DirXML engine and updates PeopleSoft. By configuring the filter on the Subscriber channel, you can specify what data you want updated in PeopleSoft. The driver uses the Schema CI and updates a staging table inside the PeopleSoft environment.
If you want to move the data from the staging table into PeopleSoft, you can create and apply the necessary PeopleCode to handle this transaction. (All PeopleSoft objects that can interact with the transaction table, application data, as well as the CI, are delivered with the sample project.)
You must configure your PeopleSoft application to:
For detailed instructions regarding how to configure these processes, refer to Configuring Your PeopleSoft Environment .
The driver interacts with PeopleSoft at the PeopleTools level by using Component Interface (CI) technology. By using existing CI definitions within the PeopleSoft modules, along with a collection of the driver's preconfigured CI objects, you can do the following:
For more information on configuring your Identity Manager system, refer to Customizing the Driver .