Upgrading the PeopleSoft Driver
This section discusses considerations you should take when upgrading from the 4.0 version of the PeopleSoft driver to the 5.0 version of the driver.
The install program places four subdirectories under the selected install root directory. The components include:
The following considerations reference files in these locations.
- The driver shim is no longer a Win32 native shim. It is a pure Java shim that can run as either a local driver or a Remote Loader driver. The driver configuration or Remote Loader configuration must be changed to set the driver shim class path to com.novell.nds.dirxml.driver.psoftshim.PSOFTDriverShim
- The driver shim is psoftshim.jar. The compiled Java Component Interface (CI) classes used by the PSA are contained in dirxmlcomps.jar. These files must be placed in the \lib subdirectory of either the local or Remote Loader components. (By default, local drivers are placed in Novell\NDS\lib and remote drivers are placed in Novell\RemoteLoader\lib on a Win32 host.)
- If you are using data or transaction CIs other than those delivered with the PSA, the Java APIs for your CIs need to be built, compiled, and made into .jar files as specified in Changing the Driver by Changing Data Schema Component Interface. This is a standard PeopleSoft procedure for using Java CIs in external programs. The new JAR file should be placed in the same \lib directory as the driver shim.
- The driver no longer requires PeopleSoft client or external client library packages. The only component required from the appropriate PeopleTools release is the web/psjoa/psjoa.jar file, which contains the PeopleSoft Java middleware interfaces. The psjoa.jar file must be placed with the driver JAR files in the appropriate \lib subdirectory.
- There is a new CITester.class file available to test the connectivity to the PeopleSoft Application Server and the validity of the specified transaction and schema CIs. To use the program on Win32 platforms, place the psjoa.jar file in the PSUtils directory and execute the CITester.bat file that is also in that directory. Refer to Testing Component Interfaces for more information.
- When upgrading the driver shim, it is not necessary to use the 5.0 driver's PSA files. If you want to reference them and use the upgraded driver functionality, make sure you do not install the new PSA on the same application server that contains your current PSA. Many of the PSA fields, records, components, etc. have the same names as those used in the 4.0 PSA. Installing the 5.0 PSA overwrites them.
- An upgrade to the driver policies is not required. The 5.0 driver functions seamlessly with 4.0 policies, except for the format of the DirXML® association.
The 4.0.x drivers used the AssocID field as the association value. However, this format does not uniquely identify objects that can exist in two different applications. The 5.0 driver's association format uses a schema name/ASSOC_ID format (For example, DIRXML_SCHEMA01/P000001.) To ease the upgrade process in an existing deployment, the new driver delivers two XSLT templates that convert between the 5.0 driver association format and the 4.0.x format (the association format exists on previously synchronized objects in eDirectoryTM.) These templates are in the AssociationStyleTransform file. If you want this conversion, copy and paste the templates into the InputTransformSS policy.