To enable the SOAP driver to work with any setup other than the default configuration for DSML or SPML, you need to create XSLT style sheets.The application-specific protocol handling is done in Input Transformation and Output Transformation style sheets.
For detailed information on writing style sheets to handle other document types, refer to the sample style sheets that come with this driver. [insert link to style sheet basics in IM guide]
The driver shim applies special handling to subscriber commands based on the <operation-data> element. Operation data can be used to match commands with the responses they generate, which is useful for creating associations, or it can be used to override default Subscriber channel connection attributes.
As discussed in the Overview, the <operation-data> element is added to the command from one of theSsubscriber channel policies. The driver shim removes the operation data from the command before it is sent to the application, and restores the operation data element to the resulting response.
When the <operation-data> element is restored on the response, it is appended as a child element of the root node. You can override this by providing one or more parent-node-n attributes to the <operation-data> element where n is a number beginning with 1 that is incremented for each parent specifier provided. The driver shim looks for parent-node-n attributes. When found, the attribute is checked to see if the named node exists. If the node is found, it is used as the parent for the operation data on the response.
To see how operation data is used to match commands with their responses, see the input and output transformation style sheets provided with the sample configurations for this driver.
To use operation data to override the default subscriber connection parameters:
Edit the subscriber settings section of the driver configuration.
Using the XML edit feature of iManager, find each subscriber setting that ends with a dash and the number 1, such as subURL-1, duplicate it, and increment the number.
For example, subURL-2.
Edit the values of the new settings to be the values you want to use for the second connection.
You can configure any number of connections this way as long as the numbers you use are incremental without gaps.
Add an attribute to the <operation-data> element called connection and give it the value of the connection number you want to use.
For example:
<operation-data connection="2">
...(other operation-data elements)