IMPORTANT: Before you can use the DNS/DHCP Management Utility, the eDirectoryTM schema must be extended to create the DNS/DHCP Group and Locator objects and to create the RootSrvrInfo zone. The eDirectory schema is extended when you activate Novell® DNS/DHCP Services from the Customize Server window during the NetWare® 6 installation.
The DNS/DHCP Management Utility provides the following management functions from the browser workstation:
After the software installation, existing DNS information is converted to master file format and can be imported to the server where NetWare 6 has been installed. You must use the DNS/DHCP Management Utility to import any existing DHCP information. If you have no existing configuration information to import, you must use the DNS/DHCP Management Utility to create the necessary objects to support your network. If you have imported configuration information, use the DNS/DHCP Management Utility to create the DNS and DHCP server objects prior to operation.