If the Dynamic File Service is running when you attempt to uninstall the software and the Uninstall tool cannot stop the Service, the Service and related files might not be removed. This can cause a 1923 error when a reinstall is attempted.
Because of the 1923 error, the Service does not start automatically and it cannot be started manually by using the Service Controller. The Windows Event Viewer shows a Warning message: Service not running.
and continue with the installation.The installation appears to finish with no further errors.
If you are prompted to do so, restart the computer.
After the restart, check to see if the Service is running.
If the Service does not start automatically and cannot be started manually by using the Service Controller, uninstall Dynamic File Services as described in Section B.4, Removing Dynamic File Services.
This cleans up the files and folders that prevent the Service from starting.
Reinstall Dynamic File Services as described in Section 3.0, Installing and Setting Up Dynamic File Services.