Novell exteNd Web Services SDK 5.0 DataSheet
Comprehensive Web Services Technology
Novell exteNd WSSDK is a complete XML RPC environment for building,
running, and invoking Web Services using Java:
supports writing Web Service interface using WSDL as well as Java RMI
complete set of compilers to convert WSDL to Java and vice versa, and for
generating client and server XML RPC glue (stubs/skeletons) code
high performance and scalable SOAP 1.1 runtime over HTTP transport
extensive support for producing XML from Java Objects and vice versa
Java RMI Programming Model
Novell exteNd WSSDK brings Java RMI's ease of use to the world
of Web Services. Invoking a Web Service is the same as invoking a Remote
object, and, implementing a Web Service is the same as implementing a Remote
interface. The technology completely shields the programmer from the fact
that it is talking to a Web Service, possibly described using WSDL, and that
the XML messages are being exchanged under the covers.
if starting with Java RMI, the rmi2soap compiler generates
SOAP stubs and skeletons, and rmi2wsdl compiler generates
if starting from WSDL, the wsdl2java compiler generates Java
RMI interface and SOAP stubs/skeletons
the stubs are created using a service, which is looked up by the
client using standard Java JNDI APIs
the Java <-> XML Type mapping allows users to do custom serialization,
as well as exchanging "raw" XML documents
J2EE Deployment and Server Independence
The Novell exteNd Web Services SDK generated skeletons are Java servlets.
They can be deployed in any J2EE Web Application container using standard
J2EE Web Application deployment. They can also benefit from the standard
J2EE security features like authentication, access control, and confidentiality
using SSL.
Extensive set of Features
Novell exteNd WSSDK has an extensive set of features:
WSDL to Java Compiler
XSD to Java Bean Compiler
Java RMI to SOAP Compiler
Java RMI to WSDL Compiler
light-wight HTTP web server
TCP tunnel for viewing SOAP messages
Java class to Java RMI Wizard
XML RPC Runtime
portable stubs/skeletons
supports pluggable XML Protocols, encodings, transports
SOAP 1.1
encodings - SOAP, Literal
transports - HTTP, HTTPS and JMS
plugs into any J2EE compliant server
JAX-RPC compliant
Message handlers
SOAP with attachments
JNDI support for looking up Web Services
Dynamic proxy support
Security Support
Basic and Digest Authentication
HTTP/SSL support
XML/Java Type Mapping
custom types
easy to use stream based serialization
builtin marshalers for common Java collection types
general purpose Bean and Public fields marshalers
Support for WS-I Basic Profile 1.0
rpc/literal & doc/literal
High Performance and Scalability
Novell exteNd WSSDK has a very low footprint and high performance runtime with
a very flexible architecture. Initial tests have shown the Web Services
written using Novell exteNd Web Services SDK and deployed on a commercial J2EE
application server to be able to handle several hundred requests/second.

Figure1: Performance comparison of Novell exteNd WSSDK,
Apache AXIS and the JAX-RPC RI. The x-axis denotes various data types. The y-axis denotes time to echo the data type.
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