The Novell exteNd Messaging Platform's ORB provides a rich implementation of the COS Name Service. It provides support for transient as well as persistent namespaces, pluggable datastores, in-process and out-of-process instantiation, secure access, load balancing and fault tolerance.
The ORB runs an instance of a (persistent) NameService inside the ORB daemon. In this section we will go through the Hello World example again but instead of the Hello Server making a stringified object reference available to the Client, it will publish the object in the namespace.
an in-process NameService
Instead of using the NameService running inside the ORB daemon, you can also create an instance of the NameService some place else, even co-located with your server. You can create a transient as well as a persistent namespace.
When creating a NameService instance, you can specify a AccessPolicy with which you can limit the operations that the clients can perform on the Namespace. This section contains a sample program that shows how to create a read only name space using the AccessPolicy.
The implementation of the NameService that comes with the ORB maintains the NameSpace state on the disk. It also provides APIs so that you can write your own DataStore. For example, you could use an LDAP server or a Database to store shared state and have multiple instances of NameServices accessing that state.
In this example instead of using the COS Naming APIs, we will use the Java Naming and Directory (JNDI) APIs to access the access the COS Namespace. We will be using the JNDI/COS provider from JavaSoft to do the translation between JNDI APIs and the COS Naming APIs.
See the above example modified to not explicitly use the ORB APIs.
Balancing and Fault Tolerance
This section describes the context groups and object groups feature of the ORB that provides load balancing and fault tolerance to your applications.
In this section a command line utility, listnc, is discussed that lets you browse the NameSpace. You can list the contents of a Naming Context, and display IORs, using a simple string notation for COS Names.
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