Key-value pairs allow you to populate user login information and set configuration options, such as whether the Filr app allows for opening into other apps or copying information to other apps.
Select the key-value pairs depending on your MDM solution for setting the configuration options. For example, if you are using MobileIron as your MDM solution, you can set configuration options for opening into third-party apps by using the MobileIron interface.
Table 12-1 Filr Key-Value Pairs
Key |
Value |
server |
Specify the URL of your Filr site. For example, |
username |
Specify $USERNAME$ to cause MDM to automatically populate the app with the user’s MDM user ID Alternatively, you can specify an individual user’s user ID. |
password |
(optional) Specify $PASSWORD$ to cause MDM to automatically populate the app with the user’s MDM password. Alternatively, you can specify an individual user’s password. |
configLocked |
The value is true or false. If the value is true, the app users cannot modify the settings of the Filr app on their devices. |
allowOpenIn |
Specify 1 as the value if you have disabled Open In or Send To support for the mobile apps in the Filr administration console, but you want to allow the Filr secure app to integrate with other secure apps. A value of 1 indicates that users can open Filr files into any secure app. A value of 2 allows you to designate specific apps that users can open Filr files into. You do this by creating a whitelist of apps using the openInWhitelist key. |
openInWhitelist |
Specify 1 as the value if you want to allow the Filr secure app to integrate with only the specific secure apps that you designate. To designate apps for the whitelist, specify the applications’ bundle ID (for iOS apps) and package name (for Android apps) in a comma-delimited list. In order for the openInWhitelist values to be recognized, the value for the allowOpenIn key must be set to 2. An easy way to find the package name for an Android app is to install the Package Name Viewer app from the Google Play store. This app displays the package name for each app that is currently installed on the device. To find the bundle ID for an iOS app:
allowCutCopy |
Specify 1 as the value if you want users to be able to copy information from the Filr app and paste it into other apps. |
Sample Format of the Configuration File
<dict> <key>server</key> <string></string> <key>username</key> <string>admin</string> <key>password</key> <string></string> <key>configLocked</key> <string>true</string> </dict>