From a Microsoft Office application, you can easily browse to a file that is located on a Filr server and share the file with Filr users. Before you share a file that you have newly created, you must save the file on the Filr server.
Launch the Microsoft Office application.
Open the file that you want to share. See Opening a File From the Filr Server.
To share the file, do one of the following to display the Filr Share pane in the right hand side of the application:
Click File >Share, double-click the Filr tab, and then click .
Click Micro Focus Filr and then click in the Filr Plug-in group.
In the Filr Share pane, specify the name of the user or group or the email address of the user with whom you want to share the file.
Select the shared-access rights that you want to grant to the user or group. See Understanding Shared-Access Rights.
NOTE:You cannot assign shared-access rights when sharing with the public or when distributing a File Link.
In the Expires field, select from the following options:
Never: The share never expires.
On: Select a given day for the rights to expire.
Rights expire at the beginning of the day that you select.
After: Specify a certain number of days for the rights to remain active.
Each day is counted as a 24-hour period from the time that you set the expiration.
In the Allow re-share with section, select whether you want them to be able to share with internal users, external users, or via a File Link.
If you want to include a personal note in the share, specify a note in the Note field.
Only the users and groups that you share with can read the note.
The share note cannot exceed 255 characters in length.
Click Share.
The Shared with section lists the users with whom you have most recently shared the file.