C.3 Linux GroupWise Commands



./grpwise start
./grpwise stop
./grpwise status
./grpwise print

Starts/stops/monitors all GroupWise agents as daemons in the /etc/init.d directory.

rcgrpwise start
rcgrpwise stop
rcgrpwise status
rcgrpwise print

Starts/stops/monitors all GroupWise agents as daemons in any directory.

rcgrpwise start post_office.domain
rcgrpwise start domain
rcgrpwise start gwdva
rcgrpwise domain.gwia start

Starts/stops/monitors a specific GroupWise agent as a daemon.

Replace start with stop or status in any of the sample commands.

./gwpoa --show @post_office.poa &
./gwmta --show @domain.mta &
./gwia --show @gwia.cfg &

Starts a specific GroupWise agent with a user interface in the /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin directory.

./grpwise-ma start
./grpwise-ma stop
./grpwise-ma status
rcgrpwise-ma start
rcgrpwise-ma stop
rcgrpwise-ma status

Starts/stops/monitors the Monitor Agent.

The Monitor Agent does not have the same kind of user interface as the other agents. It does have a Web console like the other agents.