(Conditional) On Linux, stop Tomcat.
OES 2: |
rcnovell-tomcat5 stop
OES 11: |
rcnovell-tomcat6 stop
SLES 10: |
rctomcat5 stop
SLES 11: |
rctomcat6 stop
On Windows, the Calendar Publishing Host Installation program does this for you.
To update the Calendar Publishing Host to GroupWise 2012, follow the standard installation instructions in Section 6.0, Installing the GroupWise Calendar Publishing Host.
IMPORTANT:If more than one Web-based GroupWise component (Calendar Publishing Host, WebAccess, and/or Monitor) is installed on the same server, you must update all Web-based GroupWise components at the same time.
The Windows Calendar Publishing Host Installation program detects additional Web-based GroupWise components on the server and leads you conveniently from the installation of one component to the next.
On Linux, you must manually start the Installation program for each Web-based component on the server. After one earlier version of a Web-based component has been updated to GroupWise 2012, other Web-based components on the server do not work until they also are updated to GroupWise 2012.
After you install the GroupWise 2012 Calendar Publishing Host, complete the following cleanup tasks: