NOTE:This section does not apply to GroupWise 2012. GroupWise 2012 does not use the WebAccess Agent.
On the Linux server, become root in a terminal window.
(Conditional) If you are installing the WebAccess Agent on a server other than the one where its domain is located, provide access to the domain directory on the server where you are installing the Linux WebAccess Agent.
If the domain directory is located on another Linux server, use your mount command of choice. If the domain is located on a NetWare or Windows server, see Section 10.2.1, Making a NetWare or Windows Server Visible from Linux for suggested mount commands.
As an alternative to a permanent mount, and to provide better performance and stability, you can create a secondary domain and run a Linux MTA on the Linux server local to the WebAccess installation. For instructions, see the following section in the GroupWise Administration Guide for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: Creating a New Domain
in Domains
GroupWise 7: Creating a New Domain
in Domains
(Conditional) If your Linux environment includes the X Window System, run the GUI GroupWise Installation program to install the Linux WebAccess Agent software, as described in the following section in the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: Installing the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
GroupWise 7: Installing the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
(Conditional) If the X Window System is not available, run the text-based GroupWise Installation program instead, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: Installing the GroupWise Agents Using the Text-Based Installation Program
in Installing GroupWise Agents
GroupWise 7: Installing the GroupWise Agents Using the Text-Based Installation Program
in Installing GroupWise Agents
If you need to perform the installation from a remote location, you can use ssh to access the remote Linux server. Copy the GroupWise DVD or software distribution directory to the server where you have migrated the domain, then run the text-based Installation program to install the WebAccess Agent on the Linux server.
Configure the WebAccess Agent, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: Configuring the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
GroupWise 7: Configuring the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
On the Gateway Directory page, specify a new name for the WebAccess gateway directory under wpgate in the domain directory, so that the old gateway directory and its contents are retained.
On the Gateway Object page, specify a new object name, so that the old WebAccess Agent object is retained.
In ConsoleOne, review the property pages for the old WebAccess Agent object and transfer any settings that you have customized on the on the old WebAccess Agent object to the new WebAccess Agent object.
IMPORTANT:The encryption key on the WebAccess Settings page is especially important. Check and transfer it if necessary.
Copy the commgr.cfg file from its location under the new WebAccess gateway directory:
to the WebAccess, and optionally WebPublisher, software directories:
/opt/novell/groupwise/webaccess /opt/novell/groupwise/webpublisher
If you plan to run multiple WebAccess Agents for the domain, this step needs to be done only for the primary WebAccess Agent, as listed on the Environment property page of the GroupWise Provider object.
Review the existing WebAccess Agent startup file:
located on the NetWare or Windows server in:
NetWare: |
Windows: |
and transfer any customized settings to the new WebAccess Agent startup file:
located on the following directory on the Linux server:
Review the old Document Viewer Agent startup file (gwdva.dva) located on the NetWare or Windows server in the same directory with the WebAccess Agent startup file, and transfer any customized settings to the new Document Viewer Agent startup file on the Linux server.
Start the Linux WebAccess Agent with or without a user interface, as described in the following section of the GroupWise Installation Guide for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: Starting the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
GroupWise 7: Starting the Linux WebAccess Agent
in Installing GroupWise WebAccess
If the WebAccess Agent server console does not appear, or if the WebAccess Agent Web console is not available in your Web browser, review the preceding steps to verify that all steps have been followed. For additional assistance, see the following section of GroupWise Troubleshooting 2: Solutions to Common Problems for your version of GroupWise:
GroupWise 2012: N/A.
GroupWise 8: WebAccess Agent Problems
in Strategies for Agent Problems
GroupWise 7: WebAccess Agent Problems
in Strategies for Agent Problems
After the new WebAccess Agent is running successfully, replace the old WebAccess Agent with the new WebAccess Agent in the WebAccess Application’s provider list:
In ConsoleOne, right-click the GroupWise Provider object, then click
.In the GroupWise WebAccess Agent Information box, click
.Browse to and select the new WebAccess Agent object, then click
to add it to the list of WebAccess Agents.Select the old WebAccess Agent, then click
to save the updated WebAccess Agent list.Stop the old WebAccess Agent on the NetWare or Windows server.
Delete the old WebAccess Agent object from eDirectory.
Delete the old WebAccess Agent gateway directory under wpgate in the domain directory.
(Optional) Uninstall the old WebAccess Agent software to reclaim disk space on the NetWare or Windows server.