ConsoleOne modifies information stored in eDirectory. Novell eDirectory is available on NetWare, Linux, and Windows. eDirectory can be in use on any of these platforms when you are migrating your GroupWise system to Linux.
As part of the migration process, you might want to migrate eDirectory to Linux. Step-by-step instructions for migrating eDirectory to Linux are beyond the scope of the GroupWise Installation Guide, but the following documentation can provide assistance:
If you are migrating to OES Linux, review Consolidating Data to OES Linux and Migrating Data from NetWare Servers in the Novell Server Consolidation and Migration Toolkit Administration Guide for your version of OES Linux..
For situations not covered in the above guide, the eDirectory migration process includes installing eDirectory on Linux, creating an eDirectory replica on one or more Linux servers, and ultimately making one of the Linux replicas the master replica so that you can phase out the replicas on other platforms. For guidance, see the documentation for your version of eDirectory: