A domain migration is carried out in a single stage. Users are not directly affected when the MTA is down, and the volume of data to migrate is typically smaller for a domain that for a post office. Therefore, the migration goes more quickly.
The Server Migration Utility performs the following preparatory tasks:
Mounts the source NetWare or Windows server as a file system to the destination Linux server
Creates a connection to the SSH daemon on the destination Linux server
Creates the directory structure necessary for the GroupWise software and the domain
Copies GroupWise utility software to the Linux server and installs it
Copies the GroupWise Linux agent software to the Linux server
Copies the domain data to the Linux server by using the GroupWise Database Copy utility (DBCopy)
Copies certificate files and key files if SSL is in use
For the GWIA, ensures that no port conflict with Postfix can occur
Before the domain migration starts, you have some manual steps to perform in preparation for the domain migration:
In ConsoleOne, you reconfigure the Domain object and the MTA object for their new locations on the Linux server.
If you are migrating additional agents, you do the same for them.
You specify the new IP address for the MTA on the Linux server.
If you are migrating additional agents, you do the same for them.
In the Link Configuration utility in ConsoleOne, you verify that the changes to the Domain object have replicated to other domains.
At the source server, you stop the original MTA and additional agents to migrate as needed.
Then the Server Migration Utility performs the migration tasks:
Copies the MTA local working directory (mslocal) if it is located within the domain directory structure or if it is specified in the MTA startup file by using the /work switch.
Copies agent subdirectories to the Linux server, such as those used by the GWIA (\domain\wpgate\gwia) and WebAccess Agent (\domain\wpgate\webac70a or \domain\wpgate\webac80a)
Installs the agent software on the Linux server but does not start any agents
Cleans up its temporary files, such as the utility software used during the migration process
After the domain migration is complete, you have a few more manual steps to perform:
At the Linux server, you configure the Linux agents to run as a non-root user, which is a preferable configuration for security reasons.
You start the Linux MTA for the migrated domain, and start the GWIA and WebAccess Agent if they were also migrated.
NOTE:The WebAccess Agent is not part of GroupWise 2012, but is part of earlier GroupWise versions.
Step-by-step instructions for each part of this process are found in Section 8.0, Migrating a Domain and Its Agents to Linux.
If the Server Migration Utility is unable to migrate a domain, you can perform the steps yourself, as described in Section 12.0, Manually Migrating a Domain and Its MTA to Linux.