gwmon - GroupWise Monitor Agent
gwmon --home domain_folder
GroupWise Monitor is a monitoring and management tool that allows you to monitor GroupWise agents from any location where you are connected to the Internet and have access to a web browser. Some agent administration can also be performed from your web browser. Monitor provides more detail than is provided on the System page in the GroupWise Admin console.
The Monitor Agent continuously polls the POA, MTA, and GWIA; gathers status information from them; and displays the status information in the Monitor Agent console. The Monitor Agent also services requests for agent status information from the Monitor Application, which displays the Monitor Web console.
Monitor Agent configuration information is stored in the monitor.xml file in the /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/share folder.
Specifies a domain folder where the Monitor Agent can access a domain database (wpdomain.db). From the domain database, the Monitor Agent can determine which agents to monitor, what user names and passwords are necessary to access them, and so on.
For information about agent startup switches, see the GroupWise Administration Guide .
Displays the help information and exits.
Monitor Agent configuration file. Provides a domain folder where the Monitor Agent can determine which GroupWise agents to monitor. The monitor.xml file is created during installation.
Log file for Monitor Agent events.
Log file for dumps of monitored agent MIB values.
This program can run as any user.
Starts the Monitor Agent by accessing the domain database in the specified domain folder.
The Monitor Agent writes to two different types of log files. Event log files record error messages, status messages, and other types of event-related messages. History log files record dumps of all MIB values gathered during each poll cycle of monitored agents. By default, both types of log files are created in the /var/log/novell/groupwise/gwmon folder.
Typically, you find multiple log files in this folder. The first four characters of each file name represent the date. The following characters are mon for event log files and hist for history log files. A three-digit extension allows for multiple log files created on the same day. For example, a log file named 0518mon.001 indicates that it is a Monitor Agent event log file created on May 18. If you restart the Monitor Agent on the same day, a new event log file is created, named 0518mon.002.
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