21.3 Information Stored in the Domain

No messages are stored in the domain folder on the server, so GroupWise client users do not need access to the domain folder. The only person who needs file access to the domain folder is the GroupWise administrator.

21.3.1 Domain Database

The domain database (wpdomain.db) contains all administrative information for the domain, including:

  • Address information about all GroupWise objects (such as users, resources, and post offices in the domain)

  • System configuration and linking information for the domain’s MTA

  • Address and message routing information to other domains

The first domain you create is the primary domain. In the primary domain, the wpdomain.db file contains all administrative information for your entire GroupWise system (all its domains, post offices, users, and so on). Because the wpdomain.db file in the primary domain is so crucial, you should back it up regularly and keep it secure. See Backing Up a Domain.

You can re-create your entire GroupWise system from the primary domain wpdomain.db file; however, if the primary domain wpdomain.db file becomes unusable, you can no longer make administrative updates to your GroupWise system.

Secondary domains are automatically synchronized to match the primary domain.

21.3.2 Agent Input/Output Queues in the Domain

Each domain contains agent input/output queues where messages are deposited and picked up for processing by the MTA.

For a mapped or UNC link between domains, the MTA requires read/write access rights to its input/output queues in the other domains. For a TCP/IP link, no access rights are required because messages are communicated by way of TCP/IP.

MTA Input Queue in the Domain

The MTA input queue in the local domain (domain\wpcsin) is where MTAs for other domains deposit user messages for the local MTA to route to local post offices or to route to other domains. Thus, the MTA input queue in the local domain is the output queue for the MTAs in many other domains.

The MTA does not have an output queue for user messages in the local domain. Because its primary task is routing messages, the local MTA has output queues in all post offices in the domain. See POA Input Queue in the Post Office. The local MTA also has output queues in all domains to which it is directly linked.

MTA Output Queue in the Domain

The MTA output queue in the local domain (domain\wpcsout\ads) is where the MTA deposits administrative messages from other domains for the MTA admin thread to pick up.

MTA Admin Thread Input Queue in the Domain

The MTA admin thread input queue (domain\wpcsout\ads) is, of course, the same as the MTA output queue in the local domain. The MTA admin thread picks up administrative messages deposited in the queue by the MTA and updates the domain database.

MTA Admin Thread Output Queue in the Domain

The MTA admin thread output queue (domain\wpcsin) is the same as the MTA input queue in the local domain. The MTA admin thread deposits administrative messages in the queue for replication to other domains.