85.3 Configuring Monitoring Protocols

By default, the Monitor Agent uses HTTP to communicate with the agents it monitors. If HTTP is not available, the Monitor Agent changes automatically to SNMP.

85.3.1 Configuring the Monitor Agent for HTTP

You can customize how the Monitor Agent communicates with your web browser.

  1. In the Monitor Agent console, click Preferences > Setup, and then scroll down to the HTTP Settings section.

  2. Modify the HTTP settings as needed:

    HTTP Refresh Rate: Specify the number of seconds after which the Monitor Agent sends updated information to the Monitor console. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

    Poll Cycle: Specify the number of seconds after which the Monitor Agent polls all monitored GroupWise agents for updated information.

    By default, the Monitor Agent starts 20 threads to poll monitored agents. You can use the ‑‑pollthreads startup switch to adjust the number of threads. For more information, see Using Monitor Agent Startup Switches.

    New Browser: Select this option to open a new web browser window whenever you display an agent console. This enables you to view the Monitor Agent console and an agent console at the same time, or to view two agent consoles at the same time for comparison.

  3. Click Submit to put the new HTTP settings into effect.

85.3.2 Configuring the Monitor Agent for SNMP

You can customize how the Monitor Agent communicates with SNMP monitoring and management programs.

  1. In the Monitor Agent console, click Preferences > Setup, and then scroll down to the SNMP Settings section.

  2. In the SNMP box, modify the SNMP settings as needed:

    SNMP Community Strings: Provide a comma-delimited list of community strings required to access the servers where GroupWise agents run.

    Time-out: Specify the number of seconds the Monitor Agent should wait for a response from servers where GroupWise agents run.

    Number of Retries: Specify how often the Monitor Agent should try to contact the servers where GroupWise agents run.

    Force polling through SNMP: Select this option to use SNMP polling instead of the default of XML polling when contacting servers where agents in the group run.

  3. Click Submit to put the new SNMP settings into effect.

  4. Ensure that the GroupWise agents you want to monitor using SNMP are enabled for SNMP.

    See Setting Up SNMP Services for the POA, Setting Up SNMP Services for the MTA, and Setting Up SNMP Services for the GWIA. The same instructions can be followed for all versions of the GroupWise agents.