60.4 Configuring the New Resource

To configure a new resource in GroupWise:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the name of the new resource.

  2. (Optional) Modify any of the following fields on the General tab:

    File ID: This three-letter ID is randomly generated and is non-editable. It is used for various internal purposes within the GroupWise system, including ensuring that files associated with the resource have unique names.

    Owner: Select the user who will be responsible for accepting or declining requests to use the resource. The owner must have a GroupWise account on the same post office as the resource.

    Description: Specify a description for the resource.

    Visibility: Select the level at which the resource will be visible in the GroupWise Address Book. For more information, see Controlling Object Visibility.

    Resource Type: You can identify the resource as a general resource, as a place, or as a role. A role resource is treated more like a user than a general resource or a place resource, and can be included in a Reply to All.

    Phone: If the resource has a telephone number associated with it, such as a conference room with a telephone number, specify the phone number.

    Email Address: Displays the email address for the resource.

    Restore Area: This field applies only if you are using the GroupWise backup and restore features. If so, this field indicates the location where the resource’s mailbox is being backed up. For details, see Restoring GroupWise Databases from Backup.

    Expiration Date: If you want the resource’s GroupWise account to no longer work after a certain date, specify the expiration date. For more information, see Expiring a GroupWise Account.

  3. (Optional) Click the Nicknames tab to define one or more nicknames for the resource.

    For more information, see Nicknames.

  4. (Optional) Click the Internet Addressing tab to customize the resource’s email address information.

    For more information, see Overriding Internet Addressing.

  5. (Optional) If you do not want to manually manage the resource, see Creating Rules for a Resource.

  6. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.