15.3 Calendaring Tasks

You can schedule a task for yourself, someone else, or for multiple people. The task will display on all recipients’ calendars after receipt as a visual reminder of the due date. The Due On option defaults to the current day setting, but you can also specify a Due Time, a Priority, and if needed make it a recurring Daily or Weekly task. When progress is made on the task, you can update the Completion status using a digital entry for percent complete, by selecting the check box in the Calendar view, or by using the Mark Complete option when right-clicking the item. This Complete status is not synced to others’ calendars when updated on a different user’s calendar.

To create and send a new task:

  1. Mouse-over the Compose button and select Task.

  2. Enter one or more task recipients in the applicable fields (To, Cc, Bc).

    NOTE:You can click the person icon to hide the recipient fields if you want the task to only go on your calendar when you post it.

  3. Specify the other details of the task as desired. A task Subject is the minimum required.

  4. Click Send if you have one or more recipients, or otherwise click Post.

Tasks are only shown at the top of the Calendar grid when the Day or Week views are in focus, so as not to block out appointment times.