20.1 Client Settings That Affect Name Completion

It is important that you understand how Client settings that sync with GroupWise Web can help you be more efficient. Name Completion is one of those features where you can tailor the Client settings to help you in both applications.

Name Completion is always enabled in the System Address Book and cannot be changed. It is also enabled by default in the GroupWise Client for Frequent Contacts, but the default setting for new personal address books that you create in the Client or in GroupWise Web is disabled. You can change the settings for both of these personal address books via Properties when you are logged into the Client. Once changed, those settings sync with GroupWise Web.

These property settings, in combination with Frequent Contacts auto-save options, enable you to limit the scope of Name Completion returns for names that are not in the System Address Book. For information about modifying address book properties that affect Name Completion and auto-save options in Frequent Contacts, see Setting Address Book Properties in the GroupWise Client User Guide.