5.1 Understanding How Vibe Interacts with an LDAP Directory and GroupWise

When you install Vibe in an environment where GroupWise is already set up, the products interact in the following ways:

  • Vibe can use an LDAP directory (NetIQ eDirectory or Microsoft Active Directory) to authenticate Vibe users. This means that you do not need to create Vibe users manually. Vibe can create its user accounts based on the users that already exist in the LDAP directory.

  • Vibe can use GroupWise as its integrated email system. This means that email messages sent from the Vibe site are delivered to GroupWise mailboxes. It also means that GroupWise users can post items to Vibe folders by sending email messages to Vibe folders.

  • Vibe information can be displayed in the GroupWise client. Starting in GroupWise 8.0.2, you can drag and drop GroupWise items into Vibe folders in the GroupWise Folder List to post items to the corresponding folders in your Vibe site. You can also use the GroupWise Find feature to search your Vibe site.