You might need to set up a Mobility system that includes multiple Mobility servers to support the following situations:
Number of Devices: You need to support synchronization for more than 750 users with up to 1000 devices.
Setting up multiple Mobility servers in virtual machines can be a convenient way to support a large number of devices.
Location of Users: You need to support users that are located in distant geographical locations where synchronization performance could be adversely affected by the network connections between users and a remote Mobility server.
Location of Synchronized Applications: GroupWise has meaningful organizational segments (domains and post offices). Having a Mobility server associated with each post office helps balance the synchronization load across all GroupWise users.
Quality of Service: Certain segments of your user population, such as executives of your organization, might expect and require a higher level of synchronization performance than other users. This higher quality of service can be accomplished by setting up a Mobility server specifically for such high-profile users.
Address Book Visibility: The GroupWise Address Book is displayed on mobile devices from the point of view of a specific GroupWise user. As an example, you might have a group of mobile device users who need access to Address Book information about upper-level management in your company and another group of mobile device users who should not have this Address Book information. To meet such needs, you would set up two Mobility servers, one with Address Book visibility that includes upper-level management, and a second one where such Address Book visibility is not provided.