30.9 Customizing Delivery Status Notifications

The GWIA returns status messages for all outbound messages. For example, if a GroupWise user sends a message that the GWIA cannot deliver, the GWIA returns an undeliverable message to the GroupWise user.

By default, the GWIA uses internal status messages. However, you can override the internal status messages by using a status.xml file that includes the status messages you want to use.

  1. Open the appropriate statusxx.xml file, located in the domain\wpgate\gwia folder.

    The domain\wpgate\gwia folder includes a statusxx.xml file for each language included in the downloaded GroupWise software image (for example, statusus.xml, statusde.xml, and statusfr.xml).

  2. Make the modifications you want.

    The following sample code shows the elements and default text of the Undeliverable Message status:

    <STATUS_MESSAGE type="undeliverableMessage" xml:lang="en-US">
    <SUBJECT>Message status - undeliverable</SUBJECT>
    <TEXT>\r\nThe attached file had the following undeliverable recipient(s):\r\n</TEXT>
    <RECIPIENT_LIST format="\t%s\r\n"
    <TEXT>\r\nTranscript of session follows:\r\n<TEXT>

    You can modify text in the <SUBJECT> tag or in the <TEXT> tags.

    You can add additional <TEXT> tags in the <MESSAGE_BODY>.

    You can remove tags to keep an element from being displayed. For example, you could remove the <ATTACH_ORIGINAL_MSG></ATTACH_ORIGINAL_MSG> tags to keep the original message from displaying.

    You can use the following format characters and variables:

    • \t: tab

    • \r: carriage return

    • \n: line feed

    • %s: recipient name variable

  3. Save the file, renaming it from statusxx.xml to status.xml.

  4. Restart the GWIA.

The GWIA now uses the status messages defined in the status.xml file rather than its internal status messages.