30.3 Configuring How the GWIA Handles Email Addresses

The GWIA can handle email addresses in a variety of ways:

  • Internet addressing vs. GroupWise proprietary addressing

  • Group membership expansion on inbound messages

  • Distribution membership expansion on outbound messages

  • Using non-GroupWise domains

  • Using sender’s address format

  • Using domain and post office information

To set the GWIA address handling options:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the GWIA.

  2. Click the SMTP/MIME tab, and then click Address Handling.

  3. Configure as required:

    Ignore GroupWise Internet Addressing: GroupWise supports both Internet-style addressing (user@host) and GroupWise proprietary addressing (user_name.post_office.domain). By default, the GWIA uses Internet-style addressing.

    The GWIA supports user and post office aliases in either mode. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑dia switch.

    Expand Groups on Incoming Messages: When incoming Internet messages are addressed to a group, send the message to all members of the group. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑group switch. See also the ‑‑nickgroup switch to enable group expansion for groups that have nicknames.

    Do Not Replace Underscores with Spaces: Configure the GWIA to convert not user names in email addresses from the format Firstname_Lastname into the format Firstname Lastname by replacing the underscore with a space. By default, this conversion takes place automatically, even though Firstname_Lastname is not an address format that is included in the Allowed Address Formats list in the Internet Addressing dialog box. This setting corresponds with the GWIA's ‑‑dontreplaceunderscore switch.

    Non-GroupWise Domain for MIME Replies: This setting can be used only if 1) you created a non-GroupWise domain that represents all or part of the Internet, and 2) you defined the non-GroupWise domain’s outgoing conversion format as MIME when you linked the GWIA to the domain. For more information, see Adding External Users to the GroupWise Address Book.

    Specify the name of the non-GroupWise domain associated with the MIME conversion format. When a GroupWise user replies to a message that was originally received by the GWIA in MIME format, the reply is sent to the specified non-GroupWise domain and converted to MIME format so that it is in the same format as the original message.

    This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑fdmime switch.

    Sender’s Address Format: This setting applies only if you have not enabled GroupWise Internet addressing (in other words, you selected the Ignore GroupWise Internet Addressing option). If GroupWise Internet addressing is enabled, the GWIA ignores this setting and uses the preferred address format established for outbound messages (Tools > GroupWise System Operations > Internet Addressing).

    The Sender’s Address Format setting lets you specify which GroupWise address components (domain.post_office.user_name) are included as the user portion of the address on outbound messages. You can choose from the following options:

    • Domain, Post Office, User, and Hostname: Uses the domain.post_office.user_name@host syntax.

    • Post Office, User, and Hostname: Uses the post_office.user_name@host syntax.

    • User and Hostname: Uses the user_name@host syntax.

    • Auto (default): Uses the GroupWise addressing components required to make the address unique within the user’s GroupWise system. If a user name is unique in a GroupWise system, the outbound address uses only the user name. If the post office or domain.post office components are required to make the address unique, these components are also included in the outbound address.

    The Sender’s Address Format setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑aql switch.

    Place Domain and Post Office Qualifiers: If the sender’s address format must include the domain and/or post office portions to be unique, you can use this option to determine where the domain and post office portions are located within the address.

    • On Left of Address (default): Leaves the domain and post office portions on the left side of the @ sign (for example, domain.post_office.user_name@host.

    • On Right of Address: Moves the domain and post office portions to the right side of the @ sign, making the domain and post office part of the host portion of the address (for example, user_name@post_office.domain.host. If you choose this option, you must ensure that your DNS server can resolve each post_office.domain.host portion of the address. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑aqor switch.

      Retain Groups on Outgoing Messages: When constructing the MIME for outgoing messages, discard all users that expanded out of system distribution lists. Instead include a reference to the distribution list. This results in a smaller MIME and Reply to All list for the recipient. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑keepsendgroups switch.

      NOTE:If you retain groups on outgoing messages, Reply to All might not work unless you also enable inbound group expansion by using the --group switch.

      Use GroupWise User Address as Mail From: for Rule Generated Messages: Configure the GWIA to use the real user in the Mail From field instead of having auto-forwards come from Postmaster and auto-replies come from Mailer-Daemon. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑realmailfrom switch.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.