30.2 Using Extended SMTP (ESMTP) Options

The GWIA supports several Extended SMTP (ESMTP) settings. These are settings that might or might not be supported by another SMTP system.

The following ESMTP extensions are supported:

To configure ESMTP settings:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the GWIA.

  2. Click the SMTP/MIME tab, and then click ESMTP Settings.

  3. Choose from the following options:

    • Enable Delivery Status Notification: Configure the GWIA to request status notifications for outgoing messages and to supply status notifications for incoming messages. This requires the external email system to also support Delivery Status Notification. Currently, notification consists of two delivery statuses: successful or unsuccessful.

      If you enable the Delivery Status Notification option, you need to select the number of days that you want the GWIA to retain information about the external sender so that status updates can be delivered to him or her. For example, the default hold age causes the sender information to be retained for 4 days. If the GWIA does not receive delivery status notification from the GroupWise recipient’s Post Office Agent (POA) within that time period, it deletes the sender information and the sender does not receive any delivery status notification.

      If you enable this option for the GWIA, it overrides what GroupWise client users set under Tools > Options > Send > Mail > Send non-failure notifications to my mailbox. By default, this option is deselected in the GroupWise client, but if you select Enable Delivery Status Notification in the GroupWise Administration Console, users receive delivery status notifications in their mailboxes even when the option is deselected in the GroupWise client.

    • Require SSL for authentication: When enabled, this option requires an SMTP sender to use a secure (SSL/TLS) connection before GWIA would advertise that AUTH is supported.

    • Force inbound authentication: Ensures that the Internet Agent accepts messages only from remote SMTP hosts that use the AUTH LOGIN authentication method to provide a valid GroupWise user ID and password.

    • Force outbound authentication: Ensures that the Internet Agent sends messages only to remote SMTP hosts that are included in a gwauth.cfg file.

    • Disable ESMTP extensions: Disables all ESMTP extensions in the Internet Agent. Generally used only for troubleshooting purposes.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.