30.4 Determining Format Options for Messages

You can control aspects of how the GWIA formats incoming and outgoing messages:

  • Number of GWIA threads for converting messages into the specified format

  • The view in which incoming messages are displayed to GroupWise users

  • Text wrapping

  • Message prioritization based on x-priority fields

To set the GWIA format options:

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the GWIA.

  2. Click the SMTP/MIME tab, and then click Message Formatting.

  3. Configure as required:

    Number of Inbound Conversion Threads: The inbound conversion threads setting lets you specify the number of threads that convert inbound messages from MIME format to the GroupWise message format. The default setting is 4. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑rt switch.

    Number of Outbound Conversion Threads: The outbound conversion threads setting lets you specify the number of threads that convert outbound messages from the GroupWise message format to MIME. The default setting is 4. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑st switch.

    Message Text Line Wrapping: The Quoted Printable text line wrapping setting lets you select the Quoted Printable MIME standard for line wrapping, which provides “soft returns”. By default this setting is turned on. If you turn the setting off, MIME messages go out as plain text and wrap text with “hard returns” according to the number of characters specified in the line wrap length setting. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑nqpmt switch.

    The Line Wrap Length for Message Text on Outbound Mail setting lets you specify the line length for outgoing messages. This is useful if the recipient’s email system requires a certain line length. The default line length is 72 characters. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑wrap switch.

    Enable Flat Forwarding: Automatically strip out the empty message that is created when a message is forwarded without adding text, and retain the original sender of the message, rather than showing the user who forwarded it. This facilitates users forwarding messages from GroupWise to other email accounts. Messages arrive in the other accounts showing the original senders, not the users who forwarded the messages from GroupWise. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑flatfwd switch.

    Default Global Signature to Insert in Outbound Messages: Displays the default global signature for your GroupWise system. If you want this GWIA to append a different global signature, select Override, and then select the desired signature. For more information, see Setting a Default Global Signature.

    Apply Global Signature to Relay Messages: Append the global signature to messages that are relayed through your GroupWise system (for example, messages from POP and IMAP clients) in addition to messages that originate within your GroupWise system. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑relayaddsignature switch.

    Disable Mapping X-Priority Fields: Disable the function of mapping an x-priority MIME field to a GroupWise priority for the message. By default, the GWIA maps x-priority 1 and 2 messages as high priority, x-priority 3 messages as normal priority, and x-priority 4 and 5 as low priority in GroupWise. This setting corresponds with the GWIA’s ‑‑nomappriority switch.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.