29.4 Configuring Internet Addressing

After you have decided how you want to handle email addresses in your GroupWise system, implementing the customizations is an easy task.

29.4.1 Adding Internet Domain Names

You can have as many Internet domain names for your GroupWise system as needed. Each Internet domain name must be valid with your Internet service provider.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, click System > Internet Addressing.

    The first Internet domain name was established when your GroupWise system was created.

  2. Click New to add another Internet domain name for your GroupWise system.

  3. Specify the new Internet domain name, and then click OK.

    The new Internet domain name is added to your GroupWise system.

  4. (Optional) To make the new Internet domain name the preferred Internet domain name for your GroupWise system, click the check box beside the Internet domain name, and then click Set Preferred.

    The preferred Internet domain name is used in addresses published in the GroupWise Address Book and in the To field of sent messages

  5. Click OK to close the list of Internet domain names.

29.4.2 Establishing Default GWIAs for Domains

The default GWIA for outbound messages for your GroupWise system is the first GWIA that is installed. It might be installed in the primary domain or in a secondary domain. When you install more GWIAs, you can change the default GWIA for your GroupWise system by using System > Internet Addressing > Internet Domains > Internet Agent for Outbound SMTP/MIME Messages.

You can override the system default Internet domain name separately for each domain.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and client the name of a domain.

  2. Click the Internet Addressing tab.

  3. Click Override, and then select the Internet domain name for this domain.

  4. (Optional) Select For Incoming Mail, Recipients Are Known Exclusively by This Internet Domain Name to restrict the email addresses that are accepted for users in this domain.

  5. Click Save, and then click Close.

29.4.3 Changing the Preferred and Allowed Address Formats for Your GroupWise System

The initial preferred and allowed address formats for your GroupWise system are established when you created your GroupWise system. You can change them at any time.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, click System > Internet Addressing, and then click the Address Formats tab.

  2. Change the address formats as needed, and then click Save.

    If your users are associated with User objects in an LDAP directory, and if you changed the preferred address format, you are prompted to update the email addresses for the affected users in the LDAP directory. We recommend that you allow this update. However, performing it for a large segment of your GroupWise system might take a while.

  3. Click Yes to confirm, and then click Close when the process is completed.

29.4.4 Overriding Internet Addressing

All domains, post offices, and users/groups/resources in your GroupWise system inherit the Internet addressing defaults (GWIA for outbound messages, preferred Internet domain name, preferred address format, and allowed address formats). However, if desired, you can override these defaults for individual objects.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click a domain, a post office, a user, a group, or a resource.

  2. Click the Internet Addressing tab.

    At the domain level, you can override all Internet addressing defaults assigned to your GroupWise system.

    At the post office level, you can override the preferred Internet domain name, the preferred address format, and the allowed address formats that the post office has inherited from its domain. You cannot override the GWIA that is assigned to handle outbound messages from the domain.

    At the user, group, and resource level, you can override the preferred Internet domain, the preferred address format, and the allowed address formats that the user/resource has inherited from its post office. You cannot override the GWIA that is assigned to handle outbound messages from the domain.

  3. Select Override for the settings that you want to change, adjust the settings as needed, and then click Save.

    If you changed the preferred address format, and if the users are associated with User objects in an LDAP directory, you are prompted to update the Internet email address. The Internet email address is the address that is returned in response to LDAP queries to the LDAP directory. We recommend that you allow this update. However, performing it for a large segment of your GroupWise system might take a while.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.

29.4.5 Setting a Preferred Email ID

At the user, group, and resource level, the preferred address format can be completely overridden by explicitly defining the user portion of the address format (user@Internet_domain_name). The user/group/resource portion can include any RFC-compliant characters.

For example, if you have selected First Name.Last Name@Internet domain name as your system’s preferred address format and you have two John Petersons, each on a different post office in your system, you would end up two users having the same address (John.Peterson@novell.com). You could use this field to differentiate them by including their middle initials in their address (John.S.Peterson@novell.com and John.A.Peterson@novell.com).

You can use the same email ID for more than one user in your GroupWise system, if each user is in a different Internet domain. Rather than requiring that each email ID be unique in your GroupWise system, each combination of email ID and Internet domain must be unique. This provides more flexibility for handling the situation where two people have the same name.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the name of a User, a Group, or a Resource, and then click Internet Addressing.

  2. In the Preferred Address Format section, click Override, and then specify the unique email address for the user/group/resource.

    Use any RFC-compliant characters.

  3. Click Save, and then click Close.