33.2 Increasing Polling Time

Incoming and outgoing messages are stored in priority queues. The GWIA polls these queues and then forwards the messages for distribution. The Time option lets you control how often the GWIA polls these queuing folders. Ensure that you balance polling time requirements with the other applications running on the same server as the GWIA.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the GWIA.

  2. Click the GroupWise tab, and then click Time Settings.

  3. Modify the following settings:

    Idle Sleep Duration: Select the time, in seconds, you want the GWIA to idle after it has processed its queues. A low setting, such as 5 seconds, speeds up processing but requires more resources. A higher setting slows down the GWIA but requires fewer resources by reducing the number of network polling scans. The default is 10 seconds.

    Snap Shot Interval: The Snap Shot Interval is a sliding interval you can use to monitor GWIA activity. For example, if the Snap Shot Interval remains at the default (10 minutes), the Snap Shot columns in the console display only the previous 10 minutes of activity.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.