15.1 Performing Basic POA Configuration

POA configuration information is stored as properties of its POA object in the internal GroupWise directory. The following topics help you to modify the POA object in the GroupWise Administration Console and to change POA configuration to meet changing system configurations:

15.1.1 Creating a New POA in the GroupWise Admin Console

The initial POA object is automatically created when you create a new post office. Typically, you do not need more than one POA in a post office, but if you want to customize the processing of multiple POAs, you can do so. When you create the new POA object, the GroupWise Admin Service configures and starts the new POA.

For an example of why you might need to create a second POA object, see Controlling Client Redirection Inside and Outside Your Firewall.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, click Post Office Agents > New.

  2. Specify a unique name for the new POA object.

  3. Select the post office that you are creating a new POA object for.

  4. Specify the IP address or DNS host name of the post office server.

  5. (Conditional) If more than one POA will run on the same server, use new unique port numbers for the new POA.

  6. (Conditional) If the new POA will run on a remote server:

    1. Install the GroupWise Server component on the remote server.

    2. Create the POA service:

      gwadminutil services -i /path_to_post_office -n poa_name
    3. Create the certificate for the POA server:

      gwadminutil certinst -db /path_to_post_office -n poa_name 
                           -ca domain_ip_address:9710 -a admin_user -p
    4. Restart the GroupWise Admin Service.

    5. Start the POA.

15.1.2 Configuring the POA in the GroupWise Admin Console

The advantage to configuring the POA in the GroupWise Administration Console, as opposed to using startup switches in a POA startup file, is that the POA configuration settings can be easily edited from any location where the Administration Console is available.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the POA.

  2. Click the tabs to configure each aspect of the POA.

  3. For information about each tab and field, click Help.

    Many of the fields on POA object tabs correspond to POA startup switches. Some POA configuration can be done only using startup switches. For more information, see Using POA Startup Switches.

15.1.3 Binding the POA to a Host Name

You can cause the POA to bind to a specified host name when the server where it runs uses multiple IP addresses. The specified host name is associated with all ports used by the agent. Without an exclusive bind, the POA binds to all IP addresses available on the server.

IMPORTANT:If you bind the POA (or MTA) to a specific host name, the Admin Service is also bound to that host name.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the POA.

  2. Click the Agent Settings tab.

  3. Select Bind Exclusively to Host Name.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.

Corresponding Startup Switches: You can also use the ‑‑ip and ‑‑mtpoutport startup switch in the POA startup file to establish an exclusive bind to the specified host name.

15.1.4 Configuring the POA for Remote Server Login (Windows Only)

On Windows, you can organize a post office so that some components, such as a library, remote document storage area, or restore area are located on a remote Windows server. In order for the POA to access the remote Windows server, you must provide a user name and password that provide sufficient access to the remote server for the POA to perform the required task on the remote server.

  1. In the GroupWise Administration Console, browse to and click the name of the post office that includes remote components.

  2. Click the Settings tab.

  3. In the Remote File Server Settings section, provide the user name and password that the POA can use to log in to the remote Windows server where post office components are located.

  4. Click Save, and then click Close to return to the main Administration Console window.