3.1 Managing the GroupWise Super Admin User

The GroupWise Super Admin user is established when your GroupWise system is created or upgraded to GroupWise. The Super Admin user has the necessary rights to make any and all changes throughout your GroupWise system. The Super Admin user has automatic intruder lockout functionality. If an incorrect password is entered 5 times in a 1 minute period, the account is locked for 5 minutes.

If you need to change the user name or password for the GroupWise Super Admin, use the GroupWise Administration Utility (GWAdminUtil). For background on using GWAdminUtil, see Using the GroupWise Administration Utility.

IMPORTANT:If your HTTP user and Super Admin user have the same user name and password, when you log-in with the HTTP user, you have Full rights. If the users have different passwords, the HTTP user will only have Read rights to the console. To avoid any complications, use a different user name and password for the Super Admin user and the HTTP console users.

Use the following command to change the user name for the Super Admin user:


gwadminutil setadmin -d /path_to_domain -a new_admin_user_name -p


gwadminutil setadmin -d /gwsystem/provo1 -a supergw -p [new_password]

When you change the user name of the Super Admin user, you can also specify a new password. If you do not specify the new password on the command line, you are prompted for it.

Use the following command to change the password for the Super Admin user:


gwadminutil setadmin -d /path_to_domain -a existing_admin_user_name -p


gwadminutil setadmin -d /gwsystem/provo1 -a admin -p [new_password]

If you do not specify the new password on the command line, you are prompted for it.