86.4 Accommodating Single Sign-On Products

Some organizations choose to place a single sign-on product such as NetIQ Access Manager between users on the web and the applications they access that are running behind the organization’s firewall. If you use a single sign-on product with GroupWise Monitor, you must configure the Monitor Application to accommodate the single sign-on product.

  1. Open the gwmonitor.cfg file in a text editor.

  2. Search to find the following line:

  3. Remove the pound sign (#) to activate the setting.

  4. Replace .novell.com with the part of your organization’s Internet domain name that is common between the single sign-on product and the web server where the Monitor Application is installed.

    For example, if the Access Manager server is at nam.novell.com and the Monitor Application is at monitor.novell.com, the domain name used to create cookies would be .novell.com, so that the cookies are accepted by both servers.

  5. Save the gwmonitor.cfg file.

  6. Skip to Putting the Monitor Configuration Changes into Effect.