70.2 Extracting the GroupWise Software

When you run the GroupWise Installation Wizard to install the GroupWise Server component, the GroupWise client software is installed in the following locations:

  • Linux:
  • Windows:
  • /opt/novell/groupwise/agents/data/client/setup/win32
  • c:\Program Files\Novell\GroupWise Server\agents\data\client\setup\win32

If you do not want to run the GroupWise Installation Wizard to gain access to these files, you can manually extract the files.

  1. Create a temporary folder on the web server for storing the GroupWise software.

    For example, you could name the folder gw-software.

  2. On Linux, use the following procedure to extract the GroupWise software files:

    1. Change to the folder that you created in Step 1.

    2. Know the path to the novell-groupwise-server.64bit.rpm file in the downloaded GroupWise software image:

    3. Use the following command to extract the GroupWise Server component:

      rpm2cpio /path/novell-groupwise-server.64bit.rpm | cpio -idmv

      This creates the folder where the GroupWise software is located:

  3. On Windows, use the following procedure to extract the GroupWise software files.

    1. Change to the following folder in the downloaded GroupWise software image:

    2. Use the following command to extract the GroupWise Server component into the folder that you created in Step 1.

      setup.exe /extract c:\gw-software

      This creates the folder where the GroupWise client software is located:

      \gw-software\Novell\GroupWise Server\agents\data\client\setup\win32