dbcopy (1)


dbcopy - GroupWise Database Copy Utility


dbcopy /source_folder /destination_folder
dbcopy [-b] [-i] [-t] [-v] [-w] /source_folder /destination_folder
dbcopy -m [-d] [-p] [-f] [-s] [-a] [-u] [-k] [-o] [-l]
                                /source_folder /destination_folder


The GroupWise Database Copy utility (DBCopy) copies files from a live GroupWise post office or domain to a static location for backup. During the copy process, DBCopy prevents the files from being modified, using the same locking mechanism used by other GroupWise programs that access databases. This ensures that the backed-up versions are consistent with the originals even when large databases take a substantial amount of time to copy.

In addition to backups, the DBCopy utility is used in conjunction with the GroupWise Server Migration Utility, which helps you migrate GroupWise data from NetWare or Windows to Linux. Some startup switches can be used for both backups and migration. Other startup switches are used only for migration.


General Usage Options:


Specifies the full path to the domain folder, post office folder, or remote document storage area folder.


Specifies the full path to the folder where you want to copy the domain, post office, or remote document storage area.

Usage Option for Backups Only:

-i mm-dd-yyyy , -increment

Specifies the date of the previous copy of the data. This causes DBCopy to copy only files that have the specified date or newer, such as an incremental backup. There is no default date; you must specify a date or an increment backward from today. Valid increments are -1 to -31.


Raises the priority of DBCopy processing. By default, if DBCopy detects that a POA is running, it lowers its own priority so that it does not interfere with POA processing. If DBCopy runs at night, when GroupWise users are not active, use the -j switch so that DBCopy does not lower its own priority. This speeds up DBCopy processing.

Usage Options for Backups and Migration:


Indicates that DBCopy is copying a document storage area, which includes BLOB (binary large object) files. Use this switch only when you need to copy BLOB files.

-t threads

Specifies the number of threads for DBCopy to start for copying data. The default number of threads is 5. Valid values range from 1 to 10.


Turns on verbose logging, which provides more detail than the default of normal logging. DBCopy creates a log file named mmddgwbk.nnn. The first four characters represent the date. A three-digit extension allows for multiple log files created on the same day. The log file is created at the root of the destination domain, post office, or document storage area folder. In addition to status and error messages, it lists any remote document storage areas associated with a post office.


Turns on continuous logging to the screen.

Usage Options for Migration Only:


Copies all directories and files associated with a domain, post office, or document storage area as part of a migration; also ensures that all folder names and file names are in lowercase.


Indicates migration of a domain.


Indicates migration of a post office.


Indicates that this is the first pass of the migration process.


Indicates that this is the second pass of the migration process.

-a ip_address

Specifies the IP address to bind to for the migration process. The default is all available IP addresses.

-u port_number

Specifies the TCP port number for status requests during the migration.


Skips collecting database size information during the migration.


Skips the second copy of the post office offiles folder during the migration.

-l /source_folder

Performs the GroupWise Check function of storelowercase on the migrated GroupWise databases. Its purpose is to do an “in-place” conversion of files and directories to lowercase, rather than as part of a copy operation. For a post office, it also updates the guardian database with the new, lowercase names.

For example, you could use this functionality if you have a domain or post office located on a SAN that was mounted for access by the GroupWise NetWare agents, but you now want to run the GroupWise Linux agents for the domain or post office, because NetWare is not supported as of GroupWise 2012.

Do not use other switches with the -l switch.

Help Options:

--help , -?

Displays the help information and exits.



Log file created at the root of the destination folder.


This program normally runs as root.

Backup Examples:

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy /gwsystem/acct /backups/acct

Copies a post office to a backup location.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy --b /gwsystem/acct_library /backups/acct_library

Copies a library to a backup location.

Migration Examples:

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy -m -f /post_office_folder /destination_folder

Performs the first migration pass for a post office.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy -m -s /post_office_folder /destination_folder

Performs the second migration pass for a post office.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy -m /domain_folder /destination_folder

Migrates a domain.

/opt/novell/groupwise/agents/bin/dbcopy -m -b /storage_area_folder /destination_folder

Migrates a document storage area.

See Also
